Asking Strong Questions
What is the purpose of asking questions during the interview process? Is it to simply find out more about the job and the company? Or perhaps, asking questions in the interview process is simply to show engagement in the job/candidate.. Better yet, maybe the reason asking questions in the interview process is so important is because it provides insight into a person’s communication style and habits. All of these are why asking questions is important.
Asking questions during the interview process is vitally important, both for Interviewers as well as Interviewees. Before a company agrees to interview a candidate, they must review the candidate’s proposed skills, qualifications, and credentials. Assuming they have done this, and they agree to interview the candidate, then it would fair to assume they believe the candidate has the necessary skills to perform the job at hand. If a company believes a candidate to have the right hard skills for the job, then a large portion of the interview process is simply to assess for soft skills as well as confirm their initial thoughts on qualifications. Asking questions is a perfect opportunity to highlight soft skills.
Once a candidate understands this, they can begin to realize how important questions and communication are in the interview process. Your qualifications and work history on paper get you the interview, but your ability to communicate and ask strong questions get you the job. During an interview process, you MUST come prepared with questions for the Interviewer. This probably goes without saying, but those questions should not be “yes” or “no” questions.
I have a document that I share with my clients that is not only loaded with strong questions to ask during an interview, but I also include the psychology behind the question and why it is important. One of my favorite questions to ask the Interviewer is the following:
“What concerns do you have about my background or qualifications as they relate to this position?”
-?????????This is the most important question any candidate can ask, and it should be asked somewhere in the middle to end or end of the conversation. I love this question because it gives you a direct opportunity to clear the air right away, if the company has any concerns. It is a great advantage to be able to have the opportunity to touch on any areas the company thinks may be a weakness. Often times, it is not a weakness nor deficiency, but simply a lack of understanding from the Interviewer.
-?????????If you do not ask this question, there is an inherit risk that a company may assume you lack certain qualifications because they aren’t obviously illustrated on your resume. By asking this question, this would come to the surface, and you could then elaborate on your specific experience relating to the area of concern.
-?????????If a company has no concerns, than it should imply that there is no reason you should not receive an offer.
If you're interested in learning more about asking strong questions in the interview process, or working with me on your candidacy as you look for a new career, reach out to me directly at my email [email protected] and just reference seeing this article.