Talking about the subject of salary and asking for more money is challenging for anyone but preparing can give you confidence and set you up for success.
- Get a feel for salaries in your industry to set realistic expectations for yourself and your employer
- Use Seek to view other similar roles advertised in your field so you know what to expect
- Refer to your HR manager on the company’s policy on pay rises
Convince your manager that you’re worthy of a higher salary
- Be prepared by bringing a list of your examples and referring to them throughout
- Emphasise the positives and outline the things you’re proud of
- Illustrate your reasons by clearly demonstrating how you have gone above and beyond in your role
- Highlight particular instances where your achievements have benefited the company
- Let your manager respond and keep an open mind
- After your meeting, send a thank you email and include the points discussed
- Expect your manager to take their time to think about your request
- If the outcome is not what you expected, consider alternatives to a pay increase. For example, more workplace flexibility, holiday reimbursement, additional training, or bonuses. Ask for constructive criticism on how you can improve your performance
- If the outcome is positive, confirm this in writing and clarify when this will be actioned
- Suggest another meeting in a years’ time to review your progress again and discuss your salary to ensure ongoing discussion and progression