Asking for help - I have learned
Lara Ghanime Khneisser
Structure of intellect (SOI) Certified Trainer & High School Science Coordinator
Going through hardship and very low moments is nothing but natural. It is part of our life, of our learning process. Acting positively in such situations is not commonly seen, as we human beings are not always hopeful and positive.
I have been in very low places, went through unimaginable pain. I have experienced hardship so many times and still expect to experience more again. Does this mean that I am unlucky, under a kind of curse, or destined to live miserably? I definitely am if I think of it this way; it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
However, if I choose to consider every trial as a stepping stone to more wisdom, as a chance to learn more and help more, or as a necessary step to avoid something worse, I will see my adversity with inner peace and positively no matter the difficulty. I will start attracting beautiful and positive things in my life. The experience I would have gained will allow me to make better choices. The wisdom I would have acquired will attract better people to me. The challenges I would have overcome will make me a stronger and more able person.
“This is easier said than done,” some may think. I totally agree. It wasn’t overnight that I reached this stage of positive thinking. I have even passed by very negative periods. It required will, it demanded faith, and another component we often pay no attention to. My journey all the way back up was most of the time accompanied by outside help, some of it received and some of it sought for. I have been blessed and lucky to have supportive people during the hardest times and this made me realize how getting help was essential; the presence of those people was life changing.
For this reason, I offer all the help I can to whomever needs it when they reach out or sometimes even if they don’t. I also encourage everyone with whom my path crosses to always reach out for help. Not surprinsingly, I often heard people say ? don’t need anyone’s help; if I got myself here, I can get myself out.” This is True and also not true. It is true, as God does not lead you to places you cannot get out from. It is not true, as your way out might sometimes be an insightful thought, a kind motivating word, or a helping hand.
For those who think that asking for help is shameful, think again. It does not tarnish your reputation, or attack your manhood/womanliness. It is not an act of abandon, renunciation, or evasion. It only becomes so if the purpose for asking for help is avoiding responsibility of the result.
My friend, life is interesting in its ups and downs. The more downs there is, the more ups afterwards. With every climb comes the satisfaction of the accomplishment, the lesson from the trial, and the joy of the improvement. Make sure you share your ride. Your burdens will be lighter and your joys multiplied.
Lara Ghanime Khneisser