Asking The Difficult Questions To Yourself
Peter Paul Parker
Helping High-Achieving Professionals Cultivate Inner Strength, Mental Clarity, and Emotional Resilience—So Their Outer Success Resonates with Their Inner Truth | 20+ Years of Mind Body Experience In The Material World
I have been blessed recently to have been on quite a few podcasts and there have been some amazing in depth conversations about what we are as human beings. And you, me, all of us are phenomenal beings having a collective experience on planet earth. That is indisputable. Where you go from there can lead you into opinions and polarising view points.
But one thing that keeps coming up is the enquiry we can all do to question our actions in any given experience in our life. For instance, I was talking about my childhood. And I was lucky enough to have an amazing imagination, which lead me to being a musician. But when I was very young, I used to create games with the toys that I had available to me.
And during the podcast it suddenly came to me that most of the games I used to create involved conflict. A war, a battle, a conflict of some kind that needed to find a winner and a loser. And this made me think deeply about myself and why did I feel like this as a child.
Unfortunately, I took this conflict into my working life. I found myself in conflict in the music business with the managers, the record labels, and even sometimes, the actual musicians themselves. Where did this conflict come from?
My childhood was idylic in a way, and I used to enjoy all the kids from the neighbourhood coming to our garden to play and hang out. This used to bring me great joy. And I found this joy not by playing with them, but sometimes looking down into the garden and seeing all the children playing and creating happily. There was very rarely any conflict as the children in the garden were full of joy.
This is what used to bring me pleasure. And still does today. At the end of coaching a client, and the programme has worked so well, the client can't stop thanking me enough. I say that it is they that have done the work and not me. So they should be thanking themselves and not me. They did the work. They created the results. I was just a guide. But I can feel the joy shared between us.
I feel we do have conflict deep inside of us. I feel we are also riddled with fear that has been passed down to us through a great cataclysm that happened 12,000 years ago. And now it is proven that information is transferred through our DNA down the generations. And this fear keeps leading us into conflict because it has been hard wired into us.
Since becoming a Dahn Master, I have done so much work on myself. And it shows with the way that I speak on podcasts and conversations. And I firmly believe you are capable of that too, if you are not doing this already.
I now know to thrive more as a species we need to encounter the fear inside of us, to find where we are actually "at" as a being. And when you do this, you can suddenly realise that 'Yes, I am responsible for this!' And then the healing begins.
You can start to unravel the years of information stuck in your DNA and even subconscious, and become the human being you came here to be. Original, authentic and free.
I look forward to connecting with you in my next post.
Until then, be well and keep shining.
Peter. :)