Writers: What will you send an industry exec from a studios, streaming, or broadcast company, if asked to send over information about your script?
Susan Flanagan, Emmy? Award Winning Writer, Exec. Prod.
BSI Films offers Independents and writers the same professional writing, development, production resources we provide major Hollywood studios, streaming, cable, and broadcast industry clients.
Click here ... For complete details and assistance with developing and submitting your script to film and streaming companies.
1. Do I need an executive producer or agent with permission to submit scripts? Yes. In past years finding someone to help you with experience and access was extremely difficult.
No longer is that the case. There are executives all over the place that can assist you. It can be done and is done every day. You just need to decide who you want to assist you.
2. Do I need talent attached to my project? No. However, depending on the talent it could help. But unless you know what the budget is for talent of the company, you're submitting to it is not needed.
3. Development Package - Your script is not the only or even the first document that industry executives often will want to review first.
Your Development Package is often reviewed before reading your script. It gives a concise overview of how your project meets the creative and production needs of the company you're submitting to.
This is the reason why Development Packages are critical to including information that meets both the creative and production needs of the company you're submitting to.
4. Script Polish - Keep in mind the first 10 pages of your script must grab and hold the attention of the executive you're submitting to.
Click here to review what needs to be revealed in the first 10 pages of your script.
Sophie Marcelle, Producer, BSI Films
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