Asked for one tip for new managers

Asked for one tip for new managers

I was asked the other day if I could give one tip for new managers.

Now that is difficult to think of only one thing, as I believe there is such a lot you can teach new managers.

But from my experience, I have learnt one thing, and that one of the most important things a new manager needs to do is that they need to build relationships with their staff.

So, from my experience, the best way to do this is to have one on one meetings with staff. As most people will not be vulnerable in a group with you are first.

You need to make sure when you have this meeting you take the following into account:

  • Make sure you arrange it and you are on time
  • Make sure it is a private area
  • Make sure that it is a very relaxed environment
  • Check your body language, you need to be relaxed and vulnerable

You start by trying to get to know them personally. Find out about family etc. And “LISTEN”, as this will give you insight into them as a person. Then try to see if you have something in common with them maybe a sport etc and talk about that.

What you are trying to do is get them to relax and start trusting you. You can then start building a relationship from there. Then remember things they say, for instance, if they say their child is going in for an operation, take note of the date and on that date see how it went.

Also make sure that on birthdays, you send them a message, let me tell you this makes a huge difference as it makes them feel special.

This is my view and from my experience, I know people have different views about this, but to me, people are the most important asset in the company, and we can only keep them happy if we understand them as a person.

From this, you start building and using these sessions as coaching / mentoring sessions for staff.

This has worked for me and till this day, months/years after I left a company or staff moved on, they contact me to tell me how the one on ones I had with them helped them develop as a person. So the same time you are making a change in someone’s life.


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