??Ask Yourself These Questions at the Midpoint of Your Career

??Ask Yourself These Questions at the Midpoint of Your Career

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By Rebecca Knight | February 02, 2024

It’s normal to wrestle with feelings of unmet expectations, missed opportunities, and paths not taken as you reach the midpoint of your career. But arriving at middle age is also a profound opportunity to reflect and blaze a new path. Start by asking yourself these questions.?

What could I regret in 10 years? Imagine the disappointment you might feel in the future if you don’t take certain actions today, and use that as a motivating force.?

How do I define and tap into my purpose? Shift from a career shaped by external forces and others’ agendas to one driven by what you find meaningful.?

What are my values and priorities today? You may find that they’ve changed over time. Carefully consider which compromises you’re willing to make—and which ones you aren’t.?

What mastery have I developed? Reflect on the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired thus far in your career, and consider how you might use them to fulfill your purpose, values, and priorities.?

What do I want my days to look like? As you think big, don’t lose sight of the minutia. Get microscopic and consider what you want the particulars of your daily routine to look like.

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