Ask and ye shall receive...we'll sort of.
A lot of people ask "what should we include in the request? tower inspection, cell tower inspection, smoke stacks, stockpile inventories, coal inventories, volume computations, search and rescue, real estate photography, wedding photography...the list goes on. Here's a secret, it doesn't really matter because you are only getting approved for one thing. It's on page two of your grant of authorization:
Listing a bunch of reasons in your request is just legacy stuff from prior approved exemptions. They are not necessary because you are only going to be approved for one thing Aerial data collection.
Aerial data collection is a very encompassing term...bath in it, ponder, and are approved for aerial data collection.
You are not limited to, what is listed under operation/mission on the FAA's site of authorizations, those are just the reasons listed in your request.
Some reviewers will cut and paste those reasons over from your original request, others will only type in a partial list. What's important is that little superscript (usually 1 or 2) and the words Aerial data collection.
So do everyone a favor don't bog up the system adding specific uses because you forgot add them originally or someone else is hot on the trail of a new market that you want to get in on. Adding super specific uses such as: California bobtail gnat pesticide spraying or Parking lot counts for Hybrid battery station analysis in Corona or Closed set filming...when you're not, is just clogging up the queue!
Psst! Also leave training out as well. Training is not approved at this time. If you asked for it, it may show up on the list under operation/mission, but as per the superscript note on the first page of your grant of authorization the FAA is not currently approving this purpose.
So when someone is selling you on an FAA approved training program...they are full of...