Ask AT: Why do you feel building relationships and cultivating networks is so important?
There is no I in TEAM

Ask AT: Why do you feel building relationships and cultivating networks is so important?

I want to talk about the importance of networking and building relationships. As a businessman and an entrepreneur, one of my greatest assets in the ability to network and building relationships.

At a very young age I was super shy if I didn't know you. Once I got to know you or if I grew up with you, I was fine. For those that have known me since I was a child won't believe that for a minute but it's true.

As I got older and figured out that you either had to participate in the conversation or plain and simple you would be missing out. There are people out there that have gotten their biggest breaks by striking up a conversation with a stranger.

I wouldn't be the CEO and Founder of Nine9 today if it hadn't been for my ability to get over being shy and getting into the conversation. It all started at the very young age of 30. I wish I learned that networking and building relationships were a thing at a much earlier age. I was a franchisee of a startup called Emodel. Early on I was just another franchisee. I would attend franchise meetings in Orlando, sit there and listen. I would learn what I needed to know and go back to Detroit and implement the processes.

As I got to know more and more other franchisees and people at the corporate office via networking and relationship building, I got more and more involved. Anytime corporate needed something done, I would volunteer so that I can help and learn at the same time. After years or networking and relationship building, I ended up with an interest in 26 offices and the rights to develop the entire country of Canada with three other franchisees. I could have never grown my business interests that fast if not for building relationships within the company.

I wouldn't have known enough to make Nine9 what it is today with 9 offices across the country and over 150,000 talent served.

As a Nine9 talent you are your own business entity and I can't express how important it is to network and build relationships. The industry is everywhere and there are opportunities everywhere. You can find opportunity in any town no matter how big or how small. You can network as early as grade school in your drama class. You never know who ends up being the next big thing in Hollywood or even a local film producer. Taking advantage of every chance meeting is a huge plus. Striking up a conversation with a stranger at a casting could be the break you need!

At Nine9 we offer all kinds of networking and relationship building opportunities. We host workshops with industry professionals to meet our members. At our workshops, you can talk to the industry professionals face to face, but you leave the meet and greet with tons of added knowledge. Knowledge is power and the more you learn the better your chances are to land more gigs. The goal is not only to take but to give back and as you learn you can pass that knowledge on to others. What I do is I use the knowledge to make others better and to be a part of the conversation. The more you know the more you can contribute to a conversation. No one want to just sit there and hear themselves speak. The only time you ever learn is when you listen and when you ask the right questions.

We talked about building relationships. To do that you have to bring value to the conversation. Do your homework, get better, read, write, and spread the knowledge.

Take every opportunity you can fit in your schedule. If you have the time and there is a casting call that doesn't pay and you're just starting out, you better be applying to that casting call and making it to the audition. As a newbie you should do anything you can to gain experience. You should take part and be the best actor or model in the room. Nine9 will teach you the dos and don'ts and you will stand out. Who knows, you could be landing paying gigs in no time!

I know you've read somewhere on the internet that people are upset about how there are too many background jobs that don't pay or student films looking for speaking roles for no pay. What better way is there to build your resume and make connections? How do people expect to learn a craft without going through the process? Aren't so many of us in debt with student loans? Well, you must pay for an education just as with a non-paying gig you’re paying to learn with your time, and you are gaining experience and building relationships.

If you take advantage of all the gigs you can and do anything you are asked to do, you will be far better off than the person sitting at home waiting for a paid gig. Imagine you have three student films and a couple of catalog shoots under your belt, and you both show up for an audition for a paying role. You see a few people you have worked with on the free projects, so you are comfortable and the guy that shot one of the student films is assisting the casting director on this big budget film. Who do you think is going to land the gig?

You guessed it! You are because you put in the time and built relationships while the other person was trolling casting directors and people posting collaboration gigs that didn't pay but delivered value and ended up being the difference between landing the paying gig or not.

Knock? Knock?

Who's there?

Hue Neva?

Hue Neva who?

Hue Neva know where you might get your big break or who it could come from.

Always network and build relationships!

#nine9 #theunagency #networking #relationshipbuilding #bestfoot #meetandgreet #iamnine9


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