Ask, and it shall be given to you; Seek, and you shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened to you.

Ask, and it shall be given to you; Seek, and you shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened to you.

I want to share an old story with you. Please share your reaction with us.

A certain company had a tradition of holding a party and a lottery every Christmas Eve.

The rules of the lottery draw were as follows: each employee pays ten dollars as a fund. There were three hundred people in the company. In other words, a total of three thousand dollars can be raised. The winner takes all the money home.

On the day of the lottery draw, the office was filled with a lively atmosphere. Everyone wrote their names on the slips of paper and put them in the lottery box.

However, a young man hesitated when he wrote. Because he thought that the company's Cleaning lady's frail and sickly son was going to have an operation soon after the dawn of New Year but she did not have the required money to pay for the operation, which made her quite troubled.

So, even though he knew that the chance of winning was slim, with only a three percent chance, the man wrote the name of the Cleaner lady on the note.

The tense moment came. The boss doubled in the lottery box, and finally drew out a note. The man also kept praying in his heart: hoping against hope that the Cleaning lady can win the prize...Then the boss carefully announced the winner’s Name, a miracle happened!

The winner turned out to be the Cleaning lady. Cheers broke out in the office, and the Cleaning lady hurriedly rushed to the stage to accept the award. She almost burst into tears and said, " I am so fortunate and blessed! With this money, my son now has hope!"

At the beginning of the party, while thinking about this "Christmas miracle", the man paced to the lottery box.

He took out a piece of paper and opened it casually.

The name on it was also the name of the Cleaning lady! 

The man was very surprised.

He took out several pieces of paper one after another.

Although the handwriting on them was different, the names were all the same, all of them were the names of the Cleaning lady The man's eyes were filled with tears and he clearly understood that there was a Christmas miracle in the world, but the miracle will not fall from the sky, the people were required to create it by themselves!

When we are in a low ebb, we all hope that miracles will happen to us; but when we are capable, are we willing to be the one who creates miracles?!!!

After reading, you have two choices:

1) You can spread it, spread the positive message, and make the world love more.

2) You can also ignore it fully as if you never saw it.

However, your little sharing action may illuminate the destiny of countless unfortunate people.

People become successful not only because their dreams get fulfilled, but also even more successful because of their compassionate deeds.

You become transformed when you are willing to learn to be compassionate to others...

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Ideally you don't need my help. You can think for yourself. So go ahead.

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  • ?They will be thankful to YOU.


Writer, Digital Marketing, Business Growth Advisor


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