Ask The Script Mentor, No. 11
Geno Scala
Former Director/Official of Academy Awards Show; Founder of The Script Mentor Screenwriting Program; Creator of The 20-Day Screenplay Video Series; "GHOSTWRITER TO THE STARS".
Q: I've been in advertising most of my adult life, and recently I thought long and hard about writing screenplays. I have many fresh concepts, and I love movies. Is it time to just "grab a shovel and start digging"?
TSM: Outside of whether or not you should shovel today, I can tell you that you are never too old to try something new- this coming from a 64 yr. old. who also started later in life. It's a long journey, and a craft that you have to learn from the ground floor and up, but we have something the young kids don't- PERSPECTIVE. Our experiences gives us knowledge and information that most of them have yet to accumulate.
You have a very specific niche of interest, one that is pretty rare and getting rarer with the passing of each soldier from the Greatest Generation, and the baby-boomers of Viet Nam. While you may not have had field experience (that's just an assumption on my part), you have studied this topic out of the sheer love for it. I've amassed a treasure trove of mementos and collectibles on Elvis, but I never met him. Does this make me less knowledgeable on the topic? I doubt it.
Here's a cliche, but it's fitting: it's a marathon, and you all marathon start with the first step. What I do in my business is I TRY to impart the wisdom that most people, if they're lucky, will eventually learn WITHOUT having to write for years and flounder about without direction, spending money needlessly on a bunch of unsuccessful screenwriting consultants, etc. -
"You have to learn what it takes to write the proper spec screenplay,
because that's what we all do; we write spec screenplays."
Q: Thanks for your reply. I have been feeling legitimately shitty about myself lately. I'm no longer seeing the opportunities to ever do what I truly want to do--and I think that is nobody's fault but my own. A product of Catholic upbringing, I will take the guilt and use it against myself. Sort of like a writer's mid-life crisis. Although I described myself as the worst kind of screenwriter, I don't actually call myself a screenwriter out loud. I would not disrespect the craft as I have not successfully written a screenplay. I am not a poser--at this point I suppose I even aspire to be a poser! So if you can help me, and I think you can, I would like to connect with you. You are right, each journey begins with the first step. I will allow myself this--I have a few very good film concepts. But my experience in the ad business producing TV commercials and radio spots tells me that a great movie idea is a long, long way from a produced film. It needs to be an idea with a script and a subsequent pitch that inspires someone with a lot of money to produce it. So, my big question is: can you help me get a spec screenplay together, and what does that kind of coaching cost? Thanks for listening, and thanks very much for writing back.
TSM: Actually, you possess a great foundation to do well in this business; you appear to be "mature", varied life experiences, probably "college-edumacated", a solid b/g in writing (albeit a different media), and practical knowledge about concepts. You're absolutely right about a concept being far from a finished screenplay- but, having a good solid concept is the biggest hurdle, by far. Learning HOW to write a marketable spec screenplay is probably the EASIEST part of this venture.
As I rule, I don't "teach" screenwriting, per se. I generally point out the faults of a screenplay that's been written and suggest corrective measure. Many consultants suggest reading produced scripts off of the Interwebbies of your favorite movies; I don't. In fact, I would encourage you NOT to, not if you expect to learn the right way. These are produced movies, and 99% of the are shooting scripts, a quite different animal altogether. I'll send you some pointers and tips.
I would also encourage you to purchase "The Screenwriter's Bible" by Dave Trottier and refer to it daily. I've read it front to back a number of times, and STILL learn things (just like the other Bible)! Armed with these tools, I'd bet you'd be able to produce an extremely viable first draft, and we can go from there! My mentoring service is a one-time lifetime membership, that can also be completed in payments, if necessary. My mentoring includes two guarantees; one- that you get me as your mentor, and two- that you will reach a Semi-final finish minimum in any one of the 3500+ screenwriting competitions (minimum ten entries). That's a huge accomplishment. Who is crazy enough to "guarantee" a certain level of writing success when it's such a God-given talent? THAT'S how much I believe in this system.
I'll be here whenever you need it- even if it's only for a guilt-ridden "pity party" or much-needed life coaching and encouragement. I have folks I reach out for that as well. We all need it!
Q: Hi Geno! I have been working in corporate affairs for several global companies for 15 years but have also always had a passion for movies. I have written my second script I plan to pitch it to find a director/producer. I am a stubborn bloke and won't give up! I met a film director (Name Withheld) yesterday and he has asked me to "profile" my script. He likes it but wants me to focus on the non-negotiables. Would appreciate your thoughts.
TSM: Some thoughts, based on what you've said: The number one mistake new writers make is marketing themselves, or their projects, too quickly. The first thing a producer is going to ask is "What else you got?" You have to make sure you have a minimum of three completed projects to show them, to convince them you're not a flash-in-the-pan and that they can work with you.
If the answer is "no" to these questions, and the concept isn't so awesomely unique (haven't found one yet that was), these are the people you'll be competing with- the ones with several "recommends" and a handful of contest wins. You might be a little outclassed in those terms; like being a rec league basketball player going up against Jordan and the Bulls. You have one shot at making a first impression, so make it count. There is no rush, unless you've been given six months to live. In that case, pack your bags and go to Hawaii.
In the meantime, find two or three reputable coverage services, or at least a few pros who can review your script and tell you where it's lacking. The key to any spec screenplay is APPEARANCE. If it's doesn't LOOK like a professional script, it's not going to READ as one, and it will be tossed aside. I can tell from the title page, and generally the first page if it has that look. For just a handful of pages, you just need a PRO to see if it looks professionally written.
Q: I will have my first script ready for copyright this week and was wondering what they need. I went to the website, but I am not sure.
TSM: In the case of a shortened script, or treatment or outline, if the main focus of the story is within that document (the "hooks", as it were), then it should be all right. I don't see any reason to protect something NOT completed, since you should never be sending out work that is not completed, so there's no reason to share it at this time. Just get it written, and when the final, final draft is done, register it with the WGA, copyright it, then send it out to a few professional services for PROFESSIONAL feedback. Hope that helps! Good luck!
Q: Hello Geno, I've been working on my feature length script for almost two years now and over the last few months have been actively trying to sell it. I was wondering if you have ever submitted a script to the website: "The Black List". I hear it's the best route to selling a script but wanted to reach out to you and see what your opinion was. Have you ever dealt with this website before? Is it worthwhile? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!
TSM: I appreciate you requesting my advice on this. At one time, it was an honor to be posted on "The Black List", as it represented the BEST spec screenplays that were NOT sold or optioned. Many well-known movies emerged from the BL after having been high on this list at the end of the year. The scripts were judged by professional readers entrenched in prodcos throughout the industry, and pretty soon, word would spread on a great script that no one had yet pulled the trigger on. They devised a point system, and at the end of the year, the BL was formed of the scripts with the highest points. Unfortunately, they couldn't monetize that site too well, except sell the monthly or year-end lists.
Now, it's turned into a money-making venture, where you submit your script, get judged by a panel of employees (not professional readers working in the industry), and you're given a score. You also have the option of paying for screenwriting services to "improve" your score. It's just another money-making service that entices the screenwriter into believing a good score will get you noticed, while promoting services to make additional money. Scoring "high" on the BL does nothing anymore as a result of this change; their judges are no more or less knowledgeable than StoryPros, Script Pipeline or any of a hundred other "services". I am not familiar with more scripts being "sold" off of the BL, but I suspect Ink Tip has them beat significantly. Whatever you can afford to have your script marketed, it's always good to have many irons in the fire. Ink Tip's clients tend to lean towards budgets under $5M, so if you have a studio-level concept, it may not do well at either place. My question to you is:
If the answer is "no" to any of these, marketing your concept now might be a mistake. You might have a great concept, but when they read the first page and see mistakes, they'll trash it. Just giving you a head's up.
The number one mistake of most screenwriters is
marketing their stuff before it's ready.
WRITER'S BIO: Mr. Scala spent 24-plus years in the Hollywood community and was the Executive Director for the?72nd Annual Academy Awards,?as well as The Soul Train Awards,?The Grammys,?The Blockbuster Video Awards Show?and?The Saturn Awards Show. With three produced features- "Assassin 33 A.D.",?"Black Easter"?and?"The Tombs". All three are currently available on Amazon Prime and Tubi.
THE SCRIPT MENTOR and TSM Publishing and Marketing now offers a full array of additional services to the author and screenwriter, including...
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