Ask RC- What are you thankful for?

Ask RC- What are you thankful for?

Though there is nothing I am sufficiently thankful for, the list of things I am thankful for is endless. The pious answer, Jesus, is true. But not much of a surprise. All of us in Christ have the same infinite dependence on His grace and thus ought to have the same gratitude.

Today, however, is a special day, a day in which I give even greater attention to thankfulness than I do every day. Every day I thank God for Lisa, my precious wife, my most trusted counselor, my joy. Today, on the occasion of our third wedding anniversary, my gratitude overflows into the boundless ocean of cyberspace. Many of you have been blessed by Lisa’s wisdom, her pouring out the Word of God that she keeps in her heart, through her Facebook posts, through her pieces at Some of you have listened in when she has been a guest on the Jesus Changes Everything podcast. Some of you are blessed to actually know her and to be loved by her.

What is true of none of you but is true of me is that I know her as my wife, my fitting help, as bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, my soul mate. I know how she blesses me with her soothing voice, speaking to me words of affirmation. I know how she blesses me when her deep hazel eyes look at me with love. I know how she inspires me to do things I never thought possible. I know how she blesses me when her wit makes me literally laugh out loud. I know how she sees into me and sees in me what no one else sees. I know how she stands by me, with me, behind me, even when I come up short, fall down, fail. I know when I am sick or in pain how she nurses me back to health. I know in moments of victory how she cheers me on. I know how she feeds me on both home baked bread and every word that comes from the mouth of God.

She speaks wisdom. She serves sacrificially. She risks. She storms the throne of God on behalf of so many. She is, in short, a font of life and blessing. When I was in the deepest pit she beseeched the living God for hours on end, for days on end- “Let him live Lord. Let him breathe.” And God heard her. What a deep and profound blessing it is for me to live with her and to witness our Father’s delight in her. His love for her, His joy in her, feeds my own love and joy and deepens still more my gratitude. 

Three years ago on this day we rejoiced that God had led our steps to marriage. Today we rejoice that He continues to guide our steps in our marriage. Tomorrow we will get up and do it again. We will praise Him, together. We will thank Him, together. We will beseech Him, together. We will hear Him, together. We will follow Him, together. He will bless us, together.


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