Ask for the money

Ask for the money

At the end of your conversation with a prospect when you have established there’s a good fit, you ask this very simple question:

“So how would you like to pay? By cash or card?”

Then you wait for the answer. Don’t carry on talking.

In all my experience training sales teams this is the #1 problem. Everything else they are doing is right, but they are not brave enough to ask for the money.

I recently worked with a client and exposed this tactic to her which she implemented and doubled her sales in a month as a result.

Just by having the courage to ask for the money.

Now I’ll share the top two most pointless reasons why you may struggle with this and how to handle it so you can move past them:

#1 Fear of rejection

How to handle this: the way I handle this is instead of thinking ‘what if they say no?’, I ask myself ‘what if they say yes?’

Try it and you’ll notice the difference.

#2 Not knowing your worth

How to handle this: I want you to replace the word ‘sell’ with ‘help’ from this point forward. Your offer is here to help people. The sooner you make this shift, the sooner you’ll realise that it’s in fact your moral obligation to ‘help’ as many people as you can.

It’s something you can start using in your sales immediately.

How brave are you to ask for the MONEY?


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