Dan Holden
President, Daniel Holden Associates, Co-Founder, ESPíRITU— SPIRITUAL HEALING WITH HORSES. Co-founder, VETERANS EQUINE ALLIANCE— Horses & Veterans: Common Ground, Extraordinary Journey
Espíritu ?
Veterans Equine Alliance
STORY #150
The life we seek is hidden in the life we live. The light we are given is strengthen by the darkness we carry. The big miracles we want are obscured by the thousand small wonders we miss each day. Nothing is more frustrating than running after something we want before our spirit sends us. The silence of heaven infiltrates each day, bringing possibility to every moment and every situation. Busy minds miss this.
As much as we value certainty and knowing, we ought to leave a little room for mystery where intuition offers new connections we haven’t considered before. Beauty and wonder, close cousins that emerge from the thin spaces in our lives, remind us we have no idea whatsoever who or what we are. Whatever we think, our magnificence is thousands of times more amazing than we dare imagine.
The energy that animates us is the same energy that drives all creation. The life force brings everything to life and everything alive is conscious. The small rivers, fallen barns and green trees are held together by this same energy.
I am allowing these thoughts to wander through my mind this afternoon. I sit on the hay bin as the horses eat. Today, Freedom — the youngest and most skittish of the horses — lets me stand next to her while she eats. This has never happened before. A small wonder. It is hot. There is little breeze. We’re all moving slowly or not at all. Two hawks circle overhead. They arrive shortly after we do, virtually every day we are here. I see them in the distance soaring on the wind. I like to believe it is our awe and wonder that draws them near. They arrive and do not leave.
The ranch sits in the middle of miles and miles of open farm land. Corn and soy beans are well into their growing season. The fields often have a center place of woods that stand out like lush islands in the dirt. I wonder if anyone has walked through them and explored. Even now as we drive by I imagine where I would build a tree fort, or a raft for the Root River that shows up everywhere. I have had this same experience for 60 years, or since the last fort I actually built.
Before dawn, across the whole road
as I pass I feel spiderwebs.
Within people’s voices, under their words or
woven into the pauses, I hear a hidden sound.
One thin green light flashes over a smooth sea
just as the sun goes down.
What roses lie on the altar of evening
I inhale carefully, to keep more of.
Tasting all these and letting them have
their ways to waken me, I shiver and resolve:
In my life, I will more than live.
(?William Stafford )
There is so much going on in the moment. Here in the dirt and in the hazy sky above. The hawks speak; I inhale their words. Sitting here on the hay bin I have a taste of what it means to more than live.
Join us for your own taste.