Ask marketing this after their next campaign
This week, I wanted to share one of the most important questions you should ask your marketers AND be ready to answer if your client asks. Let’s dive in!
?Marketing Tip: Were?They?Going?To?Convert?Already?
The next time your marketing department shares its latest win…be sure to ask them, "Were they Going to Convert Already?" and here’s why:
Since Q1, we’ve seen our sales calls nearly triple.
?and praise marketing and move on…right?
Well, hold your horses. This is 100% a case of?WTGTCA!
While marketing did a great job increasing traffic across several channels, specifically email, paid social, and organic, there was a?non-marketing?change that significantly contributed to more meetings…
…the fact that we have more people available to take the sales calls.
The shared sales calendar was pretty limited in Q1. Going into Q2, we doubled the number of hours available with multiple sales reps, and guess what?
Sales calls nearly doubled.
Going into Q4 we’ve seen a YTD increase by nearly 3x.
What this tells me is the traffic we’re driving is qualified and we’re limited by our ability to get our calendar to sync up with our prospects.
This isn’t meant to take the wind out of marketing’s sails! They’re getting us more qualified eyeballs, but the win wasn’t a marketing slam dunk it looked like on the surface.
Oh - I’ve got another test in the hopper that I’ll share once I have some data.
Here’s a teaser: if we know that limited meetings stop people from booking, what if we prompt folks to reach out if they can’t find a time that works for them? I’ll report back in a few issues!
?Live November Training: How to make sure your agency survives the next 12 months
Running an agency is…hard…and with a looming recession on the horizon, it’s going to get a lot harder.
Even?without the threat of a recession, the cold hard truth is that most agencies that start up today are going to be out of business in the next 12 months.
We’ve worked with over 1,300 agencies and know the early signs that an agency is?in trouble.
This month’s training?is dedicated to sharing the common issues that we know KILL YOUR AGENCY and how to avoid them. We’ll cover these topics (among others):
Join me on Thursday, November 17th at 11am central.
Talk to you next week,
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