Ask Logan Lenz: Episode 115

Ask Logan Lenz: Episode 115

How can small teams of leaders and employees establish work-life boundaries while experiencing rapid growth? What strategies can you put in place to accomplish this goal?

Work From Home Wednesdays!

The "Wednesday" used above is merely a suggestion. But the idea of letting the team, that is seemingly around each other far too often, breathe is a sound one. Not everyone can constantly thrive off of a high-stress fast-paced atmosphere so it's important to strike the balance. The danger here is falling victim to what "rapid growth" actually means? The word that is most important during growth periods is "control." This means that rather than spending all your time running around frantically trying to keep up, the goal should be to establish the bulletproof processes that will enable you to manage speed and flow much better. This is work that can be done anywhere - so step away to gain some clarity and then come back to the office with some great ideas on how to make your lives easier. 


