Ask Him Out
I know women of every age who will wait and wait for a man to ask them out, but my question to that is:
We live in modern times, where women are just as empowered to ask out men, so why wait for the man to do the hard work?
A woman who will ask a man out is seen as a bold and fearless. Trust me: any man you ask out will be so blown away by your assertiveness that he will say yes!
Just make it clear that you’re asking him out on a date, not a friend hang, particularly if you’re already friends.
Coffee is a fairly innocent theme for a date, but will he understand that you’re into him if you invite him to coffee?
Go for an evening plan, like going out for drinks, dinner, or a concert, and don’t invite anyone else!
Men like to feel needed. Yes, I know you’re an independent woman who doesn’t need a man to open jars and kills spiders, but what’s the harm in letting him help?
I hear from women who are 40 or older that they’ve learned to be so independent from being single that sometimes it’s hard to ask for help or rely on someone else, so this exercise will be helpful to you. Helping one another is part of a healthy relationship, so why not start now?
This can be big or small: you could ask him to reach something on a high shelf…or ask him to help you change your tire. Whatever it is, be sure to express your gratitude afterward. If it was a bigger favour, you could leverage that by telling him that you now owe him dinner!
Everyone loves being complimented, don’t they? Men, in particular, like being complimented in one or more of the following ways.
You can compliment
· His appearance
· His effort (fixing that leaky pipe)
· His personality
· His intelligence
· His decision-making
· His personality
· How you feel around him
Don’t go overboard with the compliments, or it will come off as insincere. Instead, if you catch yourself thinking something like, “You look really good in that blue shirt,” make a point of saying it out loud.
Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate.
Thank you …Looking for questions to ask a guy?
Penetrating into the brain of a man can be a difficult task equally like the hardest physical work! Women are prone to resort to various tactics, and even wiles to understand what is going on in the minds of their partners, but the best and simplest way is to start a conversation and ask the right questions.
Every woman, at the beginning of the relationship, should ask a guy the questions, and some even in the phase of seduction and courtship.
Some answers you might not like it, but it’s better to find out the truth before the development of deeper feelings.
Want to add word or two?
Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.
What expectations do you have of yourself?
What a guy expects from himself is very likely to expect from you. Therefore find out in time what awaits you with this partner. Another good question to ask your crush.
For future relationship is good to know whether he is planning to move for a career, or if he spends a lot of time at work and the like. So, it will be an interesting question to ask a guy, in any given condition.
Your comment ….?
Where would you like to move?
As far as this answer you can determine whether it is an urban guy. If he would like to live in a kind metropolis, it is very likely that now enjoys the pace of life and nightlife. If he answers in the house in the suburb with a garden, he probably wants the children and pet. A simple, good and cute questions to ask a guy to get to know him better.
How do you feel working for (company)?
You will find out whether he loves his job and do the job with passion or it is only for survival. This question will give you some insight into his vision of the future for himself, how his goals are and how he intends to achieve them. It is one of the random things to ask a guy
Boys love to talk about sports. If the opportunity arises, ask for the result and to explain you the rules, provided he has not surrounded by the partners and you altogether closely monitored party. This can be a good start. You might feel like it is an awkward question to ask a guy, but the truth is that – it is not!
Be warned - asking him out for coffee may lead to other things. ..
You gotta be smooth
I figured out that most so-called grown folks are going to do what they want to do. ... Do you think you will run him away by asking few questions? Well...
Raman tries his best to get Sudha out and straight away goes to ... Sudha, she offers him a deal --and asks him to sign on a paper -- and she would ... …….( lol )
.Nothing wrong with that.