Ask God for Guidance
Bob Patton, M.D., D.D., FACP
Professor of Missions and Science at The Crown College, Bible Translator, Writer and Speaker
Ask the Lord
Text: I Samuel 23:1-2 Then they told David, saying, Behold, the Philistines fight against Keilah, and they rob the threshingfloors. Therefore David enquired of the Lord, saying:? And the Lord said unto David, Go, and smite the Philistines, and save Keilah.
God created mankind to communicate and fellowship with Him. Not only did mankind have a soul, with conscious thought, emotions, and will, but also a spirit which could be in communion with him. When man sinned, the spirit became non-functional and the free fellowship between God and man was broken. But God desires to have fellowship with us and has provided a way for our sins to be taken away. The Holy Spirit can indwell us again since the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. When we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior, turning from sins and accepting the savior, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us spiritually. With the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, the veil separating man and God has been torn in two, and through Christ we can fellowship with God.
At the time of David, we see an illustration of how David maintained his relationship with God through prayer. Saul had been hunting David like an animal. David had moved from place to place hiding from Saul, who had an army of 3000 elite soldiers under his command. Then David heard about the Philistines attacking the city of Keilah, and asked the Lord if he should attack. The Lord told him to go. The 600 men under him objected. They were running from Saul and hiding, and now they would not only be at risk from the Philistines, but also be exposed to Saul. David enquired a second time, and God assured him of victory. When David’s small army went, they were successful in defeating the enemy and getting a lot of booty?
Now David faced a new problem. He heard that Saul was planning to catch him and his men in Keilah. Once again, he enquired of God with the help of Abiathar, who was now functioning as the high priest since Saul had killed all the priests and their families. When he fled to David, he brought an ephod, which somehow the priest used to seek God’s will. David asked if Saul would come down. God said yes. David then asked if the men of Keilah would turn over him and his army to Saul, and God also said “yes.”? Therefore, David and his men left the city, and Saul, when he heard that they had left, stopped pursuing David at ?Keilah.
God wants to talk with us?
The Bible describes God’s relationship to mankind, and from the manner which He formed man at creation, we can understand that man was created to fellowship with God. David used four occasions to talk with God in the brief section reported in I Samuel 23. David had never attacked Saul or retaliated when Saul had tried to kill him because he envied David and viewed him as a threat to his position as king. God did direct David, who obeyed what God said to do.
God desires us to trust Him:
David stepped out on faith when he attacked the Philistines. Not only was there risk from the Philistine army, but perhaps a greater danger from Saul finding them in a city with gates and walls. Saul could easily surround the city and place it under siege. He could demand the people to turn over David and his men or be destroyed. However, David asked God for guidance and received it. Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.
God promises to guide us when we trust and obey Him:
God’s promises listed here are from the Psalms which David himself wrote. Many of the psalms were composed during the time that David was running from King Saul. Psalm 25:9 The meek will he guide in judgment, and the meek will he teach his way…14 The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him: and he will show them his covenant. Psalm 32:8 I will instruct thee and guide thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.
God has guided His people in many different ways. In addition to His spoken voice, he guided through prophets, through dreams, and other means. In these days God guides us primarily through the Word of God, through persons, and through circumstances. He is seeking the man who will seek to do His will, to obey, and to allow Him the top priority in his life. Such a man He can guide in remarkable ways.
Systems Analyst/Director at Professional Computer Services
10 个月Thank You Pastor Bob