Ask The Expert, Rapid Fire & Episodes 1-6

Ask The Expert, Rapid Fire & Episodes 1-6

NEW Episodes Mondays at 11am! Subscribe to @AllThingsAging today!

We are excited to announce that we have 6 NEW episodes out on our YouTube Channel!

In this week's episode, Ask The Expert, Rapid Fire, Editor of OutreachNC, Amy Phariss asks Aging Outreach Services' Founder & CEO Amy Natt, questions about how the Ask The Expert column began and more.

Q: How did the Ask The Expert Column come into existence?

Amy Natt: "Several years ago we decided that we wanted to create a publication that would be free to the community as sort of our educational piece. My primary background and the team that I work with consists of geriatric care managers, sometimes referred to as Aging Life Care Managers? through our National Trade Association. As care managers, we are often interacting in real time with older adults and their families. We're leading support groups, or getting general questions coming in from people that are inquiring about services or looking for help for mom or dad. Through many years of experience, we decided one way that we could get that information out into the community, is through the Ask The Expert column in our OutreachNC newsletter, where readers send us questions and we will answer them every month."

Q: Where do the questions and topics come from?

Amy Natt: "So a lot of times, people that we've never met will email in topics and real life client scenarios. A lot of times we're dealing with, sort of crisis management or even out-of-the-box, aging things. We try to share problem solving tips, techniques, and resources that we come across with our clients every day. Many of us are also support group facilitators, and although there's confidentiality in the support groups, we still, often times get really good questions or scenarios that we can then put in our Ask The Expert columns."

Q: How do you use your experience and the experience of your team to come up with creative, on-point answers?

Amy Natt: "I think it's just trial and error. A lot of what we're doing is problem solving in real time. Everything we do is very individualized to that older adult, family, or scenario. We've got 25 years of experience to draw on, of what's worked, and what hasn't worked in different scenarios. Even if it's the first time that you've dealt with it, over the last 25 years, our team has dealt with that on a number of occasions and then can share some ideas and tips."

Click here to read the July OutreachNC Ask The Expert column:

Rapid Fire Questions Featured in this Episode:

o?? My parents seem to be going to a lot of medical appointments, do they really need all of these specialists? It seems excessive.

o?? What is the difference between a hospitalist and my doctor?

o?? Why are so many people talking about “concierge” doctors?

o?? My dad recently passed away and my mom seems really down, would she benefit from a support group?

o?? I think my dad is starting to have some memory problems, what should I do?

How Can Listeners Submit Their Own Questions?

You can list your questions in the comment section or email your hosts at [email protected].

Watch Episode 6 Now!

See our other podcast episodes below:

Stay tuned for more content from All Things Aging and our OutreachNC newsletter coming soon!

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