Ask The Expert - Data Connectors for Harsh Environments

Ask The Expert - Data Connectors for Harsh Environments

Modern technology depends on data more than ever, and these data connections can no longer depend on being kept safely in clean and dry conditions. The Internet of Things and its industrial equivalent, known as Industry 4.0, are revolutionising how industrial machines communicate with each other. Machine-to-machine connections are vital to the latest developments in manufacturing, agriculture and even power generation, and require huge amounts of data to be shared over a common network.

This need to process high volumes of data means that sophisticated computing and networking devices are being deployed into the demanding conditions of the factory floor or the agricultural industry. Conventional data connectors are not designed for use in these harsh environments, and so designers need solutions that can provide secure communication even in tough conditions.

For this RS DesignSpark Ask The Expert video, David Pike (aka Connector Geek) is joined by Carlos Rodriguez of Bulgin to talk about how connectors are solving these complex data needs in harsh environments. Central to the Bulgin product family is the Buccaneer series which has been providing sealed, waterproof connections for the world of industry for decades. Bulgin has taken the features that make the Buccaneer so successful for power and signal applications and created the Buccaneer for Data family of connectors.

Buccaneer data connectors combine the sealing technology that has been perfected over the years with the connector interfaces that are commonly used in networking and computing. From the full-sized RJ45 networking connector in the Standard and 400 Series Buccaneer to the latest USB-C interface, the Data series provides IP68 and IP69K sealed networking connectors for all applications.

Carlos gives us an insight into the benefits of Bulgin’s approach to data connectors. Designed to use common interfaces, they can be used easily with existing conventional cables. This can be useful in maintenance and troubleshooting situations, allowing the device to be repaired in the shelter of the workshop without the use of special connectors.

Watch the video to learn more about how Bulgin is helping designers to create the data networks for the latest applications.



