Ask Dr. Greg: Should I try CBD for pain?
Gregory Charlop, MD
Fractional Chief Wellness Officer for Family Offices and UHNW | Longevity Planner | Featured on ABC, NBC, FOX, Forbes, and CBS | Speaker | Physician Burnout
Q: Dear Dr. Greg,
Since retiring from football, I have a lot of aches and pains. I don’t want to take narcotics, and too much ibuprofen is bad for my stomach. Some of my friends told me to take CBD. Should I try it for pain?
Joe | NFL
A: Dear Joe,
Pain and arthritis are common problems for athletes. Many retired football, hockey, and basketball players deal with pain daily. Surprisingly, CBD may hold the key to treating your pain.
According to Harvard and the Arthritis Foundation, most CBD users reported an improvement in sleep, physical function, and well-being. A report by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine found substantial evidence that cannabis is effective for chronic pain in adults. However, they could not tease out how much of that benefit came from CBD.
While there are few good studies on CBD in humans (and even fewer in athletes), it appears that CBD may help:
Ask Dr. Greg is a regularly published Q&A column for athletes. Dr. Greg's advice is free to all. We invite you to submit your questions anonymously to Ask a Question. Dr. Greg will respond on his site Retired Athlete Health.