??Ask ChatGPT: <<Learn Python>> ?? Give a summary of rules found using Numerical Pattern Analysis & Benford's Law, for FRAUD ?? - with Python code??
Raul E Garcia
Applied Mathematician & Software Engineer, ??Fraud Detection & Benford's Law Expert, Custom Excel apps for Fraud detection, SQL, C#, MVC, SSIS, Azure, Excel VBA, Data Science, Selenium, Matlab, Math studies UCSD UPRM UPR
Summary of Key Rules for Detecting Fraud Using Numerical Pattern Analysis
<<Excellent Python code below for advanced users, forensics, auditors, financial analysis>>
Numerical Pattern Analysis is a powerful method for uncovering financial anomalies and fraudulent activities. Techniques like Benford’s Law, digit frequency analysis, and distribution-based detection rely on numerical inconsistencies to highlight suspicious data.
Here are the key rules and patterns that can help detect fraud:
1. Benford’s Law Rule (Leading Digit Rule)
<<Global rule - checks all numbers?? clusters by 1st digits >>
? Common Use Cases: Financial statement audits, tax evasion detection, and election fraud analysis.
2. Rounded Numbers Rule
? Common Use Cases: Expense reports, payroll records, and contract value reviews.
3. Duplicate Transactions Rule
? Common Use Cases: Accounts Payable (A/P) and reimbursement claims.
4. Threshold Manipulation Rule
? Common Use Cases: Vendor payments, procurement, and invoice fraud.
5. Inconsistent Number Patterns Rule
? Common Use Cases: Payroll systems, POS data, and procurement fraud.
6. Low-Frequency Digit Patterns Rule
? Common Use Cases: Tax return filings and financial statements.
7. Weekend and Holiday Transactions Rule
? Common Use Cases: Payroll fraud, POS manipulation, and emergency fund disbursements.
8. Outlier Analysis Rule
? Common Use Cases: Vendor payments, refunds, and journal entries.
9. Unusual Vendor Behavior Rule
? Common Use Cases: Accounts Payable, expense claims, and procurement.
10. Irregular Time Patterns Rule
? Common Use Cases: POS systems, cashier overrides, and employee expense manipulation.
Best Practices for Implementing Numerical Pattern Analysis
? Combine Benford’s Law with threshold analysis and time-based patterns for improved detection accuracy.
? Use tools like Excel VBA, Python (pandas, numpy), and Power BI for automated fraud detection reporting.
? Prioritize high-risk transaction types such as journal entries, cash transactions, and refunds.
Would you like sample VBA/Python code examples for applying these rules, or strategies for integrating them into your fraud detection workflow? ??
Please provide an example code in Python for a financial transaction set with amount, date in mm/dd/yy and description for
1-Irregular Time Patterns and
2-Benford’s Law and
3-threshold analysis
4-A cluster of extremely high or low transactions
5- spike in transactions on non-business days
6- A significant underrepresentation of low digits in financial entries
7-Frequent repeating digits (e.g., $11,111) or unnatural sequences (e.g., $1234, $5678) suggest manipulation.
8-Fraud Indicator: Multiple transactions slightly below an internal control threshold of $10k
9-Fraud Indicator: Identical amounts on the same date, especially with the same vendor or account number, raise suspicion.
10-Fraud Indicator: An unusually high frequency of transactions ending in ‘00’ or ‘000’ may suggest fabricated entries or manipulated rounding.
1. Python Code - Comprehensive Fraud Detection Model
This Python code will cover:
? Irregular Time Patterns ? Benford’s Law Analysis ? Threshold Analysis ? Outlier Transactions ? Weekend and Holiday Spikes ? Underrepresentation of Low Digits ? Frequent Repeating Digits ? Threshold Manipulation (e.g., just below $10,000) ? Duplicate Transactions ? Rounded Number Analysis
<<There are many powerful tools below for adapting the Py toolset to reality in finance! ??>>
Python Code Implementation
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import chisquare
from datetime import datetime
# Sample Dataset
data = pd.DataFrame({
'Transaction_ID': range(1, 501),
'Amount': np.random.randint(1, 20000, 500), # Random financial transactions
'Date': pd.date_range(start='2023-01-01', periods=500, freq='D'),
'Description': np.random.choice(['Vendor A', 'Vendor B', 'Vendor C'], 500)
# Step 1: Irregular Time Patterns
data['Hour'] = np.random.choice(range(0, 24), 500)
irregular_times = data[(data['Hour'] < 6) | (data['Hour'] > 20)]
# Step 2: Benford's Law Analysis
data['Leading_Digit'] = data['Amount'].astype(str).str[0].astype(int)
benford_dist = np.log10(1 + 1 / np.arange(1, 10))
actual_dist = data['Leading_Digit'].value_counts(normalize=True).sort_index()
chi2_stat, p_value = chisquare(f_obs=actual_dist len(data), f_exp=benford_dist len(data))
# Step 3: Threshold Analysis (e.g., Transactions just below $10k)
threshold_alerts = data[(data['Amount'] > 9500) & (data['Amount'] < 10000)]
# Step 4: Outlier Analysis (Extremely High/Low Transactions)
outliers = data[(data['Amount'] > data['Amount'].quantile(0.99)) |
(data['Amount'] < data['Amount'].quantile(0.01))]
# Step 5: Spike in Weekend Transactions
data['DayOfWeek'] = data['Date'].dt.dayofweek
weekend_spikes = data[(data['DayOfWeek'] == 5) | (data['DayOfWeek'] == 6)]
# Step 6: Underrepresentation of Low Digits
low_digit_underrep = data[data['Leading_Digit'].isin([1, 2])].shape[0] / len(data)
# Step 7: Frequent Repeating Digits
repeating_digits = data[data['Amount'].astype(str).str.contains(r'(\d)\1{2,}')]
# Step 8: Threshold Manipulation
threshold_suspicious = data[(data['Amount'] > 9900) & (data['Amount'] < 10000)]
# Step 9: Duplicate Transactions
duplicate_alerts = data[data.duplicated(['Amount', 'Date', 'Description'], keep=False)]
# Step 10: Rounded Numbers
rounded_numbers = data[data['Amount'] % 100 == 0]
# Summary Output
print(f"Irregular Time Patterns Detected: {len(irregular_times)}")
print(f"Benford's Law p-value: {p_value}")
print(f"Transactions Below $10k Threshold: {len(threshold_alerts)}")
print(f"Extreme Outliers Detected: {len(outliers)}")
print(f"Weekend Spikes Detected: {len(weekend_spikes)}")
print(f"Low Digit Underrepresentation: {low_digit_underrep:.2%}")
print(f"Frequent Repeating Digits: {len(repeating_digits)}")
print(f"Suspicious Threshold Transactions: {len(threshold_suspicious)}")
print(f"Duplicate Transactions Detected: {len(duplicate_alerts)}")
print(f"Rounded Number Transactions: {len(rounded_numbers)}")
#BenfordsLaw, #FraudDetection, #FinancialAudits, #python, #fraud, #finance