Ask Better Questions
How many of you have asked yourself “How is this year going to be better? How will I grow my business this year? How will I get that next promotion?”
A question can change everything. Overtime I’ve come to realize that when I’m clear about what I want and let go of the how, things turn out better and the how presents itself. I use questions in all aspects of my life, business, relationships and money. The power is in asking questions from a place of infinite possibilities and the willingness to receive anything and everything, when you cannot reach a decision about what the answer should be.
When you are vested in the outcome, there’s an answer or result you want. You focus on it and therefore shutdown your awareness of everything else. What happens is that you cannot see anything that doesn’t match the outcome you are focused on. An amazing possibility might be right under your nose and it’s beyond what you can perceive.
If you perceive that you or your business are stuck, ask questions like:
- What information am I missing?
- What would it take for my business to expand more?
- What could we institute today to create more for now and the future?
- What magic could show up today for me and the business?
- How does it get any better than this? (one of my favorite questions)
- What else is possible?
Ask questions no matter what; not just when things aren’t showing up the way you want them to. Why is that? You’re asking the universe to contribute something even greater to you.
I invite you to take one of the questions listed above and start asking yourself this question every day.
Are you doing the right things but not seeing the results? Schedule a free 60-minute Clarity call.