ASISTing our Armed Forces and their families
True Patriot Love Foundation
Canada’s Foundation for the military community
The Canadian Mental Health Association York Region and South Simcoe (CMHA – YRSS) in Ontario offers over 30 specialized mental health programs and services to over 17,000 individuals per year. It has a team of 350+ staff that includes psychotherapists, social workers, occupational therapists, peer support specialists, nurse practitioners and many other caring mental health care professionals.
ASIST Training is a two-day interactive workshop that teaches everyone how to identify and provide emergency support, increase safety, reduce risk and promote wellness and recovery for those who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts or behaviours.
Last year, CMHA-YRSS delivered ASIST training to over 200 individuals, including youth specialized service providers, educators, agencies supporting racialized communities, law enforcement, including RCMP, OPP and York Region Police, and more.
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#BellLetsTalk #MentalHealth #Veterans #TruePatriotLove