ASHviz: Fiddling with violins
The last ASHviz installment, Densities and dark matter, was a bit of a cognitive burden, but the concepts introduced are fundamental to many of the ASHviz investigations. Here we continue the thread with a new visualization of the sampled and estimated latency density functions.
Violin plots: geom_violin
The ggplot package includes a "violin" geom that produces a variation on the probability density plot that is both pleasant to the eye and facilitates certain visual comparisons. A so-called "violin plot" is simply the probability density curve reflected around the x-axis and then tilted up 90-degrees (coordinate flip) making it (sometimes) look like a violin or cello due to the smoothly curved outlines.
Here is code to create a violin plot of sampled latencies from the Events data frame:
p <- ggplot(data=Events, aes(y=log10(TIME_WAITED)))
p + geom_violin(aes(x="SAMPLE"))
With the resulting plot:
Recall the standard density plot and observe how the violin shape is simply a variation on the density using the reflection and coordinate rotation.
The violin plot is also solid-filled with white by default, so it has a much more tangible visual impact. The standard line plot is much better for reading off latencies for features like values at the peaks, mostly due to the horizontally oriented latency axis. We will soon see the advantages of violin plots for comparisons.
Estimate-weighted violin plots
Just as with the standard density, we can plot violin densities over the estimated count of events to get an unbiased view of the distribution of event latencies from those sampled by the ASH dump.
Plotting weighted densities using geom_violin frequently resulting in the following warning message:
Warning message in density.default(x, weights = w, bw = bw, adjust = adjust, kernel = kernel, :
“sum(weights) != 1 -- will not get true density”
Just as with the standard density plot, the solution is to set weight = EST_COUNT / sum(EST_COUNT) as follows:
p + geom_violin(aes(x ="EST_COUNT", weight=EST_COUNT/sum(EST_COUNT)))
This produces the following plot without warning messages:
Note that incorrect weighting (with error messages) does produce correct plot, so the function seems to do simple scaling automatically. These warning errors might be ignored when doing rapid prototyping of visualizations, however before drawing conclusions or making important observations about a visualization the program should be made to execute warning-free to insure plot accuracy.
Note again how much of the weighted density plot lies below 100 microseconds. It looks like about half of the area, which means event latencies are just as likely to be below as above 100 microseconds.
Recall the visual difficulties and distinctions that were made plotting the estimated and sampled density charts together. Crossing lines were distracting, and we ended up doing one plot as filled area and one as a line. Comparison of the two densities was a bit of an issue.
Side-by-side with medians
To assist in comparing the two probability densities, we can plot the two violins side-by-side. This really improves the ability to visually compare and contrast features of the densities at different latencies.
Horizontal lines have also been added at the density medians using the draw_quantiles parameter of geom_violin. Now we see that the actual median of the estimate-weighted density is closer to 1 millisecond than the earlier 100 microsecond guesstimate. We can also roughly quantify the sampler bias in the sense that the median values of the two densities differ by close to 2 orders of magnitude, in other words quite a bit.
Comparing instances
A natural question when looking at system-level data in a RAC environment is "how do instances compare to each other?" Violin plots of the density of sampled latencies split up by instance look like this:
To my eye these look extremely similar, meaning that the statistical properties of the sampled event latencies are almost identical across instances. This would seem to indicate a strong similarity in workload processing with no instance-level aberrations like CPU saturation. The smoothed and symmetric shape of the violins makes comparison for like-ness quite direct, they all line up at all the peaks and valleys and if one didn't it would surely be noticeable.
Count-estimate weighted densities
Plots of the instance latency densities weighted by estimated counts yield similar results:
Here again we see very high level of visual agreement in the number, location, and prominence of the violin features. Comparing four densities against each other for similarity feels not much different than comparing two, so there may be good scalability properties for that use case. The fact that the agreement is strong even after the weighting transformation seems to indicate strong consistency across instances, especially in the lower latencies. At the very lowest latencies some subtle differences can be observed that were of course invisible in the unweighted plot.
Note that we had to compute instance subtotals of EST_COUNT in order to weight the values properly and plot without the warning messages.
This investigation explored the use of violin plots to visualize probability density functions of ASH dump event latencies both as sampled and weighted using the count estimation technique. Violin plots facilitate visual comparisons for similarity by transforming 1D lines into 2D shapes that are more amenable to direct visual cognition.