Ashleigh's Incredible 2020, thanks to Video
Carmen Braidwood
Leadership Communications Coach & Speaker | Confidence on Camera | Media Training. Let’s get you on message and everywhere!
If you're already showing up on video for your business and wonder what a Confidence on Camera Program can do for you, watch as Perth Property Manager Ashleigh Goodchild describes her recent experience on the 12 Week 1-1 Coaching Program.
By crafting and implementing a content strategy around her videos on LinkedIn, she's now converting more leads than ever before - without paid ads!
Add to that, she's courting invitations to appear as a speaker, podcast guest and contributor on her industry's international stage.
Enjoy Ashleigh's case study - along with her tips on how to grow your influence online - and, if you'd like to know more about how On Camera Training could do the same for you, send me a message.