Ash Dieback identified at Wytham Woods
Ash dieback has now been formally identified at the unique 1000Ac Wytham Woods, which have served as Oxford University’s outdoor laboratory since 1942.
For many of us in the industry, in particular those operating in the East of the Country, Ash Dieback has become a sad fact of life that is driving many of the woodland management decisions as we look to protect and secure what in many cases are some of our oldest and most important woodland assets. It is important to understand the likely impact of the disease and to develop management strategies to secure both the commercial and environmental value of these assets at the same time as we address the inevitable associated issues of Health and Safety and public safety.
As Lockhart Garratt we have been at the forefront of this issue, and continue to work closely with Natural England, Forestry Commission and Defra to develop strategies and approaches that will help to manage the immediate issues and plan for future succession and resilience.
We are currently planning a workshop to help to inform a guide owners and managers to better understgand the management options
?and if this is something that you would be interested in attending then please contact either myself or the wider forestry team @[email protected]