Design patterns represent common UX solutions to recurring opportunities. Consider modern software applications, there are a number of design patterns that may look different from one application to another, but they begin to feel the same. Consumers begin to expect these behaviors, and software engineers and product teams don't need to reinvent solutions to the same problems.

From the flashing cursor that draws your eye's attention to where you are typing, to "infinite scroll" of web pages, or pulling down a list of items with your finger to refresh it, new technologies create the opportunity for new types of interaction to become common place.

As the leading SDK for movement recognition and coaching intelligence, the ASENSEI XD team is also cataloguing recurring design patterns, and ensuring that our SDK, including the data emitted through our COACH IQ capabilities, supports out-of-the-box implementation of these design patterns.

Here are some examples to kickstart your thinking, as you design personalized workout experiences powered by ASENSEI.

In every example, ASENSEI is a "headless SDK" that doesn't impose the user-experience on you. Rather ASENSEI provides the real-time data to power your UX, without requiring you to use the same look and feel as others. This lets you prototype quickly, and separate the responsibility of your brand/content team from your engineering team!


How can we make programming more fun and rewarding, and move beyond the Jane Fonda follow-in-time workout experience?

Since the Jane Fonda video, digital programming has barely changed. Follow along to the instructor on-screen, or one of their beginner advanced students to their left or right. Keep going until they stop, putting in as little or as much effort as you like.

With movement recognition powered by ASENSEI, a workout doesn’t have to be a spectator sport anymore. Make programming more fun and engaging with the kinds of rep-based challenges the best instructors use in their classes.

  • With an AMRAP workout, challenge members to perform “As Many Reps as Possible” in the given time. Great for competition, either with a previous personal best or paired up against another member in the digital class.
  • With an EMOM workout, challenge members to complete a set number of reps within a minute. Let them do their reps as quickly as slowly as they like - but the reward for finishing early is resting until time is up. These “Every Minute, On the Minute” workouts increase engagement by letting the member choose an intensity that matches their ability.

With movement recognition powered by ASENSEI, credit is given for an honest attempt at the rep, but recognition can be given for different qualities of technique. Consider scoring reps, or giving bonus recognition if a particular nuance of the movement such as squat depth is achieved in a streak.

And with the data you receive from ASENSEI COACH IQ with every rep, you can also reward consistent cadence and timing, reward pushing to the end of the set without quitting a few reps before time runs out, or you can spot fatigue and give that encouraging cue to “give me 3 more”.

Progressive Intervention

How can we deliver feedback on faults in a way that is more constructive than critical, leaving space for learning but making time for teaching?

Just because we can, doesn't mean we should -- this is a great way to think about form-feedback. If you were to visit a regular class, and the coach singled you out and picked on every single fault you made every time you made it, you'd probably find another class or instructor.

A good instructor knows where you are in your learning, and therefore what mistakes you are consciously making and what ones you're unconsciously making. And a great instructor knows not to try and fix everything at once, but to move you through a progression ... fixing the important stuff first, and then laying on more and more nuanced coaching as you progress.

When you know what you should be doing - you're "consciously competent" - a great coach will give you a little bit of space and a little bit of grace to figure out the mistake for yourself, provided what you're doing isn't going to cause injury. Sometimes it takes a few reps not feeling right, to remember something you were previously taught. Sometimes the best coaching is no coaching, at least not in that moment.

But if you keep making the mistake, a good coach might step in with a subtle reminder, probably a cue they taught you before ("remember.... piano hands") that's enough to get you back to good form (piano hands ?!? You were holding the handle on your rowing machine like your life depended on it, gripping it and ripping it. Relax those fingers on the keys.)

And if you're still not getting it, the coach might step in with a little more explicit intervention, pointing out the mistake or asking you to look at them and make an adjustment.

And of course, there's a "Nice one! Just like that!" waiting for you when you address the mistake.

We call this progressive intervention.

With ASENSEI COACH IQ, the rules and language of intervention are defined in run-time configuration files from your coaches, surfacing on-screen cues, audio cues or video b-roll that will nudge the athlete from good to great.

Here's an example of progressive intervention UX that we explored with one of our customers in a design session with ASENSEI XD.

Guided Learning

How can we increase customer acquisition and reward progression, by teaching new skills more effectively than trying to learn from a video?

When someone is "unconsciously incompetent" about a skill or technique, real-time feedback is the wrong coaching approach. It's intimidating, frustrating, seems punitive and a root cause of "gymtimidation" - the fear of going to a gym or joining a class because of not knowing how to do what everyone else seems to know how to do.

Guided Learning is an ASENSEI XD pattern that follows the coaching discipline of "whole-part-whole" coaching. With Guided Learning, we can take learners through new and unfamiliar movements by first showing them the whole movement ("this is a rowing stroke"), before breaking the movement down into parts, teaching the parts, and then slowly putting the parts back together again.

Every exercise in the ASENSEI exercise library is described by the biomechanics of each of the key postures in the technique, and the sequencing and coordination from one posture into the next. So for any exercise in the ASENSEI exercise library, you can teach the exercise.

  • Consider having a "come and try" experience for absolute beginners, teaching them the foundational techniques they need to confidently join a class.
  • Consider spotting poor technique during class, but instead of feeling the urge to give real-time feedback, direct members to a "learning library" of lessons that teach them what good looks like.
  • Consider rewarding progression with a lesson. "You're doing really well on your squats. Let's introduce you to dumbbell thrusters ... before you do them in a class, let's teach you the basics". Add these lessons in separate content libraries, or work them into a Smart Warmup.

Watch Basil be coached through a Squat to Press, making sure he has the basic sequence down before taking off the training wheels and let him do his own reps.

Watch how ASENSEI can take your members through drills, like a Pause Drill, designed to teach the "Recovery" portion of the rowing stroke by pausing at the finish position of the stroke, and then being instructed step by step through the second half of the stroke.

With ASENSEI VOICE, you can text-to-speech synthetic AI voices of your coaches, or dynamically a pre-recorded audio file from your content management system, using ASENSEI ASSET MAPS to map a coaching strategy and a fault observation with an audio coaching cue.

Partner Workouts

How might we drive engagement and retention?by bringing the community and camaraderie of an in-person group workout?to a connected experience?

When trying to make classes more engaging, putting members into pairs, or into small teams allows you to reimagine the programming you're delivering.

With rep-counting and perhaps rep-scoring as an enabling technology, you can create experiences that are both competitive or collaborative, either by putting members together in a live situation, or even pairing them up with a previous member's past performance.

  • Create competition by having 2 members compete in an AMRAP at the same time, and see what can do the most reps. Turn it into a knock-out competition between members over the course of 3 sets of reps, or add a little competition a the end of the workout for a fun finisher and adrenalin high that anchors how good the class was before the next one.
  • Have members collaborate together, with their reps being added together for a combined score.?
  • For collaborative workouts, consider having members do their reps at the same time, or have one person work while the other rests and cheers! Give members 30 seconds each of effort, or let them "tag in and tag out as they get tired", with ASENSEI making sure only one person's reps are being counted at once.
  • Reward members for synchronicity -- either keeping in time with the coach, or keeping in time with each other. Instead of rowing alone, row in a double, a quad or an eight, moving faster than other teams if your strokes are locked in together!

Partner workouts are easy to power with ASENSEI, unlocking fun and engaging programming formats and bringing that one thing that's missing in an at-home workout - the community and camaraderie of working out with friends.

Take a look at a partner workout below, with 2 members working together in a team AMRAP, one resting while the other works, so the class never stops moving!

Active Rest

How can we make rests?between sets a more active and engaging experience, by delivering coaching feedback on the last set, and setting?intention for the next one?

Resist the temptation to turn your workout into a dashboard, with all of the real-time data that rep-counting and movement recognition can surface. Instead, think about distilling that information into something motivating and encouraging, using ASENSEI COACHING STRATEGIES to format the data collected rep-by-rep, and curate it for the end of a set, the end of a round, or the end of a workout!

  • Giving a little rest between sets? Summarize the number of reps performed in the rest, show the weight lifted (if you use ASENSEI equipment detection) and celebrate personal bests.
  • Find longer periods of rest in the workout to provide some coaching feedback - ASENSEI can tell you what's the one thing the member did best, and what's the next most important thing for them to focus on when they do that exercise again - all driven from your ASENSEI coaching strategies.
  • Consider giving feedback at the start of an exercise or a set; store your form feedback for the NEXT time they do the exercise. "10 more TRX power pulls. Remember, last time you were keeping your head pointing forward. I want your eyes following your hand!"

Check out this example from the recently announced collaboration between Qualcomm, Litesport and ASENSEI for mixed reality. See how the video feedback from the coach, demonstrating a coaching point, is driven from observations on form and feedback made in the previous set!

Rise to the Challenge

How can we move beyond "workout while the on-screen instructor workouts", using rep-counting, rep quality and weight recognition to program workouts with challenges and targets?

How can we move beyond "workout while the on-screen instructor workouts", using rep-counting, rep quality and weight recognition to program workouts with challenges and targets?

Nothing motivates like a number to push for. Set targets and goals for athletes, "moments of micro-motivation" that serve the purpose of both keeping them engaged and interest, while turning coaching into challenges.

Think beyond obvious personal best challenges:

  • Finish Strong! Challenge your members to keep repping until the buzzer sounds. No more using the last few seconds as extra rest.
  • Consistent technique - use ASENSEI nuance tracking and focus channels to surface to your user experience when to congratulate an accomplishment such as "see if you can lock your arms out straight overhead for 5 reps in a row!"
  • With equipment and weight detection of dumbbells or kettlebells using ASENSEI XR, set challenges that rewards challenge rather than reps. "Your PB with 10lb weights was 10 reps. Let's see you do 8 reps this time, but with a 15lb weight".
  • Make pace a point of performance - tell your members to set a pace with their first 3 reps, and reward them for holding that pace perfectly through the set. Stop their stopping mind!

Working with the ASENSEI XD team and the ASENSEI solutions team, we can help you create coaching strategies that allow you to deliver innovative and fun challenges and rewards that you can deploy at run-time, without additional coding.

Stop the Sweaty Screen Swipes

How might we use movement recognition, or recognition of picking up a piece of?equipment to control the pace and flow of a workout?

Finally, with movement recognition and equipment detection, there's no need to keep walking back and forth to swipe or press next buttons on the phone.

Have a workout start on the first rep, or the second someone picks up their weights.

Alternatively, with ASENSEI VOICE, you can make fitness conversational between your member and coach.


Movement Recognition and Coaching Intelligence with ASENSEI.AI, combined with additional capabilities such as ASENSEI VOICE and ASENSEI XR, unlocks unparalleled opportunities to deliver a personalized user experience that acquires more customers, engages the ones you've got, and encourages them to recommend you to friends, invite friends to partner workouts, and sign up year on year.

The ASENSEI XD team helps customers reimagine their existing consumer experience with established ASENSEI XD design patterns, and with custo



