Asea Redox Molecules Work Miracles
Martha Bugakova
My story with Asea began when I started using Renu28 on my face in 2014. I’ve struggled with regular breakouts since my early teens. It surprisingly cleared up my breakouts within a day or two and since then I haven’t struggled with my skin as long as I apply the gel when needed.
After having my first baby, I found myself using Asea and Renu28 more often and becoming more impressed with the results every time my son would come down with any kind of flu or symptoms of being sick. I would give him the redox molecules and it would reduce the symptoms the same day and/or be completely gone within a couple of days. It felt very manageable.
I continued taking these redox molecules during the pregnancy of my second baby. On the day I went into labor the contractions were so light that I didn’t think I needed to go to the hospital. My mom insisted so I decided to go and check my progression. When I arrived at the hospital they told me I was 9cm and I had my daughter within about 10-15 min- quite surreal as you could imagine.
After we came home from the hospital I started experiencing symptoms of postpartum depression. It wasn’t severe but I knew I wasn’t myself. When these intense waves of anxiety would come over me I would usually take 6 oz and within 5-10 min I felt calm and back to normal.
Several days after coming home from the hospital with my daughter, my son came down with Croup for the first time. This was particularly scary with having a newborn at home. I gave him two oz of Asea and kept giving him a few sips of it every few hours after that. He coughed a few times in the night and the next day it was gone.
Also, when I increased my dose after coming home it was amazing that I didn’t even need to nap… my energy was very level with no crashes through the day. To this day an extra few oz is my go- to before I reach for more coffee.
My husband had a red, itchy spot on his leg for a few years that was slowly growing and started to appear on his other leg in a similar spot. He started to use the Redox Serum and the spot almost disappeared within a month of applying it almost every day. He also did a 6 day fast where he was only consuming water, Asea and Restore. He felt great through the whole fast and was able to work and function as he usually does. The best part was that when he came off the fast he didn’t regain the weight he lost or lose the energy he gained.
I think it’s worth mentioning that the Renu28 is by far the fastest and most effective product I’ve ever used for diaper rash. Also, after trying every other thing I knew of, I rubbed the Renu28 on my newborn baby’s tummy when she was screaming hysterically (gassy) which seemed to relieve her pain within a matter of minutes.
I’m so humbled and grateful for all of this!!
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