ASDC June newsletter: Call for submissions for #ASDC24 | Nominate your volunteers | Join the next Community Space Call | Focus on retail
Winchester Science Centre Young Steering Group who inspired the new award for 2024!

ASDC June newsletter: Call for submissions for #ASDC24 | Nominate your volunteers | Join the next Community Space Call | Focus on retail

ASDC Conference 2024: Shaping the future of science together

18 - 19th November, The Royal Society , London

Call for submissions

We welcome proposals for in-person sessions and presentations as part of the ASDC Conference programme. Working in partnership with many of the UK’s leading STEM funders, national bodies and charities, the conference programme of talks, workshops, networking sessions and discussions will explore the role of Informal STEM Learning (ISL) for the future of our rapidly changing world. Share your submissions by submitting a proposal by 5.30pm on 12th July.

Submit a proposal

Book your discounted early bird place now and save up to £25*

NEW ASDC Youth Voice Award ?- nominations now open!

The ASDC Volunteer Awards, in partnership with Marsh Charitable Trust , celebrate inspiring examples of volunteer contribution and impacts within science centres and museums.

NEW for this year is the Marsh Youth Voice Award, acknowledging the work of young people within the membership. This new award is in addition to the original award for adults and the amazing work they do as volunteers.

The deadline to nominate your volunteers is 31st July.

Nominate now

ASDC July Members' Forum: Focus on retail

Wednesday 10th July, 2 - 3pm

Our recent membership survey highlighted how physical and online shops are a key income provider to many members and there is a desire to investigate how the ASDC network can work together more. We look forward to seeing many of our members at this forum.

Register for this forum (members only)

ASDC Space Community Call - open to everyone

Wednesday 17th July, 1pm - 2.30pm

Our next community call focuses on the Moon, including sharing hands-on engagement ideas and demonstrations from across the network, hearing from NASA about the science and rising excitement of the Artemis programme, and looking ahead to International Observe the Moon night, which takes place 14th September this year.

This call is open to all space, astronomy and physics engagement professionals. Join us for this exciting opportunity to share practice, resources and network with colleagues from across our incredible UK space education and engagement community.


Reflections from Ecsite 2024

Ecsite speakers

This year we were thrilled to travel to the beautiful, sunny city of Ljublijana for Ecsite 2024, where our Project Manager and Chief Executive soaked up the connections, positivity, inspiration and perspectives.

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Highlights from the ASDC CEO Awayday 2024

Left to right: ASDC Chief Executive Shaaron Leverment, Technology and Policy Strategist Sarah Hunter and National Space Centre CEO Chas Bishop

This year we welcomed 27 CEOs and senior directors from across the membership to the National Space Centre, with keynote speakers Sarah Hunter a Technology and Policy Strategist and board member of ARIA (Advanced Research & Invention Agency) and Professor Louise Archer, Karl Mannheim Chair of Sociology of Education, UCL.

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Celebrating the work of two inspirational science leaders

Left to right: Bridget Holligan, ASDC Project Manager Cait Campbell and Hermione Cockburn at the ASDC Conference 2023, W5 in Belfast.

Behind the scenes of every science centre and museum are teams of passionate individuals dedicated to inspiring their communities in the realm of science. Recently, two longstanding leaders have stepped down from their respective roles; Bridget Holligan from Science Oxford, and Hermione Cockburn OBE from Dynamic Earth. Alongside their outstanding contributions to science engagement and education, they have also supported the sector as ASDC trustees for many years.

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New ASDC team member

Welcome to Sarah Dellar who has joined the team on secondment from Wellcome as our Director of Strategic Partnerships.

Some of you will know Sarah from her time managing the Inspiring Science Fund at Wellcome, but she has been working in the science and discovery sector since being an explainer and presenter in the early days of @Bristol (long before it became We The Curious). Exciting times at ASDC HQ!

Read Sarah’s bio

Members’ news & events

Cambridge Science Centre moves to spiritual home in iconic Cambridge Science Park

Cambridge Science Centre CEO John Bull (left) and Jamie Trivedi-Bateman, Director of Investment, Property, Trinity College, Cambridge (right)

Cambridge Science Centre has moved to a new, state-of-the-art home on the iconic Cambridge Science Park , following a partnership with the Park and Park owners, Trinity College, Cambridge. The new Cambridge Science Centre will open on 23rd?July.

Read the article

We The Curious will be reopening in July!

Bristol’s biggest science centre and educational charity, We The Curious , is celebrating its long-awaited reopening on 2nd July 2024 by revealing 73 Ways to Get Curious, one for each day in the run up to the reopening celebration on 6th July.

From exploring nature and getting creative to seeing where your imagination guides you, the 73-strong list – created by the inquisitive minds at We The Curious itself – is designed to bring a little curiosity into people’s lives each day.

Find out more

Thinking, Doing, Talking Science update

Under an exclusive license from The Oxford Trust , the Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT) is now the lead national partner for the ongoing delivery of Thinking, Doing, Talking Science (TDTScience) courses across the UK.

TDTScience was co-developed by its Science Oxford team and Oxford Brookes University. It is based on over 20 years of educational research and pulls together a range of established good practice. It is one of the sources for the Education Endowment Foundation’s (EEF) 2023 Improving Primary Science guidance report.

Find out more

RubberCheese visitor attraction Website Survey 2024 opens

This year the survey will be looking at a number of current trends such as investment in digital marketing, online conversion rates, use of personalisation and artificial intelligence, technology choices and more. The data will provide a focus for marketers and decision makers across the sector, giving a deep dive into what good looks like for a huge array of attractions including science centres and museums.

Complete the survey

News from the STEM sector

Announcing the Josh Award winner for 2024

Dr Chenying Liu, postdoctoral researcher, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

Dr Chenying Liu, postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford, has won the Josh Award 2024 for her accessible and inspiring ‘sustainable origami: art, robotics, construction and space exploration’.

Find out more

CaSE's Guide to R&D on the Doorstep

Research and Development is helping solve the problems facing people in your area, across the UK and around the world. Investing in R&D creates new jobs and future industries, new educational opportunities, and the economic growth that will pay for our local and public services and strengthen our communities.??

The Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE) has developed this guidance for candidates based on its nationally-representative polling of more than 22,000 UK adults and 14 focus groups.

Find out more

Funding, jobs, events and training

Upcoming ASDC events, sector-wide jobs and funding opportunities are listed on our website. To share news from your centre or museum in our next newsletter please email [email protected]

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