A core mystery ends at an exit from the underworld and arrives at Cronus (wise old man-dragon), Hecate (blood/life moon), and Demeter (agriculture, plant). It begins with an eclipse (leaving, depart) and ends with a super (pregnant) blood (life) moon (Hecate) called flower (Demeter). The flower super moon, a blood moon, that just took place was the last of a series of super moons that fist began late 2016 with the death of the oldest king on earth (Thailand/renewal). Years ago Dave and Pete's mom called Dave "the green son". In the Mysterium Coniunctionis (Wisdom Walking: Pilgrimage as a Way of Life) CG Jung, referencing alchemy, said that when the green son appears two peacocks appear and that morning Dave and his son saw two peacocks in a cage down the lake behind the candy store, they were only seen that day and were gone the next day (store operators called them too noisy). Paracelsus called this an invitation to the chymical wedding. A young female will die on the virgin new moon (virgin birth) as if her heart just stops (CG Jung). Our 20 year old niece died on the virgo new moon from heart arrhythmia and at the funeral the minsister wed two dead youths, Jim and Kim saying they would form a celestial marriage in heaven where upon Jung says the philosopher (Filius philosophor) chosen for the end game (Hermes Trismegistus) plays with letters to decipher and interpret. In asking for a blessing from Gaia to enter her mystery Dave heard a voice that said why have you come. Dave said out loud, "to paint a beautiful picture". At that point it began to pour rain. Dave received a notification on facebook from a person called Beaty Gaita. take the t from Gaita change it to "u" and place it in Beaty and we have beauty gaia. When they left the driveway and entered the house all were soaked except Dave where upon the voice said "why would I allow you to get wet while you are asking me for a blessing?" Jung said when one completes a core mystery one stands with Cronus but he also said (Alchemical Studies) that our gods are diseases (“The gods have become our diseases.” AS p37). Zeus raped Persephone (philosopher stands with Kore/stands with a rape victim) and Cronus, according to alchemy is an oriental virus (Coronas). One simply imagines the connection (interpret). When one finds Cronus one sees an oriental virus eating the children; alchemy was right on the mark. This does not prove myth and magic but displays how a self actually interacts with causality (cause and effect) .
How the hell does one end up here? Cause and effect is an adhering law, not a fact in our heads; hypothetical, partially mythological, physics we don't understand. In the mind, psyche and the law, so long as something cannot be absolutely correct, cannot be absolutely wrong. Educating another, in this world, cannot possibly be wrong, no room for variance, and that cannot possibly be right. We can say why we think children can be educated but cannot say one thing wrong doing so, allows a natural path of pedophilia to come along insidiously. The lion hunts: identifies and tags the vulnerable gazelle. In families the hunt becomes pedophile. In school of thought (where there is a philosopher) pedophile become theoretical. Where professor has crucified philosopher, a natural development of temple, the next place beyond family for pedophilia (child predator) is at schools of children in a hidden philosophy that exposes and makes vulnerable. Justice and mercy. On the on hand we say philosopher not needed and in the other hand, the one hidden, is the philosophy of pedophilia, touch the outcome of the natural child (cupid) and destroy psyche (proper union), the result of Venus falling on the new new moon (virgin birth) in Virgo. During this coronas crisis where children are kept at home, watch as the teacher reaches into their homes with computers and other electronic devices: educating is the number one cause of extinction and teachers do not even consider this time as valuable to transform their very own selves. In narcissism everyone else can be patient, self can't be wrong. Science supports the notion of extinction in the very near future and teachers respond with "get a degree and have a bright future". They have placed reason at first person and see a whole lot of "you" at second person turning each one into an object ("is"/"patient") not their own subject ("be") which is now the cure (doctor). They do not openly teach insanity with the right hand of justice but model it with their left hand of mercy: a hidden hypothesis educating is a forgone conclusion and not still highly theoretical and unproven. This is how it goes from forming into careers, not wisdom: becomes the number one cause of extinction and can't possibly be wrong (insane). The evidence, like the impeachment (pro quid quo) is bipartisan (chose sides) not scientific observations. That is not reason, it is highly biased and prejudiced.
Reason is Lucifer, no soil in persons to plant. That psyche wants to be dominant and prioritizes thoughts, not settle into natural developments: the environment must adapt to it. Reputation of one who works now takes priority over those they victimize and teacher cannot even say the word incest let alone report or protect those children. They move on insidiously (narcissism) to doctor and treat "traumatized children" whom are not even the patient but remember a generation earlier they went to war on incest victims (drugs). That is arrogance and now, with certain degree, confines hypothetical by drawing false conclusions; absolutes make things end, as in the extinction, not infinite and still hypothetical. Education alienates from the very nature we must be baptized (sensed) in and yet we now war against the very thing we must have (a particular nature) to survive; hence we won't (extinction). Something never comes from nothing but everything comes from something (Nothing comes from nothing-Aristotle). What educating does is place reason at first person, concludes what seems obvious and proceeds in a highly dysfunctional manner to what Jung defined as Sidedness (Jung), he actually called it one-sidedness, in accordance to mass insanity now clashing with and replacing what Jung called the Collective unconscious. That would be the underworld the philosopher enters in a core mystery. That place may seem mystical as it is predominantly instinct or Serpent (symbolism) but is where self first and likely remains attached to the light cones. It responds to the primitive Eurynome dancing on the sea of emotions (bitterness, sorrows) not to a delusional fool wielding mathematical formulae. In the levels of development - tribal, temple, philosopher, school of thought, and wisdom (sciens) - tribal would contain the most myth as it would have the least physics understood. Tribal was marked in the end by the prevalence of drugs (food for centaurs by Robert Graves) at the time tribal rose to temple. With the prevalence of drugs today it would be that we ourselves are at tribal needing to build the base of our temple while education kills philosopher and damages each child (temple) it touches because they are forced into the wrong level of development (expose/vulnerable) and fundamentally taught self as opposed to sensory and self discovery thus ending evolution and no further purpose for living in the bigger picture of creation (becoming whole/not career). Only a pedophile behavior would want to expose children, nature would protect them and treat the ones exposing. In narcissism the child is victim and teacher predatory (patient). Parenting would be the integrator but we destroyed mother, burnt the last straw of parenting; protect and build trust.
Given what I have seen I would say evolution has everything to do with cause and effect (light cones) as presented in Causality (physics) by Pali, Einstein, and Jung, not just a primal swamp swirling in proteins. The original complex would be that zero as nothing, an indefinite whole (if relativity is correct at first person/observer-Einstein). The self then would present a paradox as the only way for there to "be" one is the sense of a midpoint exiting zero (Jean-Paul Sartre: Being and Nothingness) and entering the approximate value of oneness and somethingness (hypothetical). The midpoint would be 0.5 and a creation complex characterized by a sense of that indefinite whole or expanding universe with sense (proof of life). So already we see first person is not reason but sense. We can count people like apples (1,2,3) or as one's self (first person, second person, third person). Einstein, whom did not account for existence (eternal) and defined it as the same as occurrence (temporal) mixed both and went from zero to first person "I"/observer, turned all others into two or more objects (1,2,3) and continued to add up like apples (crucified - two or more objects - all other subjects). That is how we are being taught (modeled/unspoken), with no doubt that this can possibly be wrong: if we include our ignorance, that cannot possibly be correct. We are experiencing a core mystery at this time because we face an extinction, educate, and have not a clue why we are here, what we must do, and how this universe operates (cause and effect). The modern is about to go extinct without any clue what it means to ascend which is why a core mystery had to be performed at a primitive level. The second approach at one, after sense is to feel, that is called second person, not a sacrificial or vulnerable "you" but now a marking and identification of self to be dealt with by one's own third person, not someone else's narcissism. Education teaches what hasn't a clue what development they are in or what they are actually doing (at tribal raising to temple). One cannot develop without bringing all developments along, identified and marked. One cannot destroy tribal, temple, and philosopher and presume one is at school of thought, that is inflation, underdevelopment and little children pretending to be all grown up (far too immature). Their development is not layered and does not support where they think they are and we arrive at the fall of mankind. Man places reason at first person "I", becomes codependent with second person "you", exposing and not protecting, and then going on to third person triangulating (Narcissistic Triangulation) because they have begun counting others like objects (apples) after first person ego/reason (fixation). At the time of Coronas the teachers desperately trying to reach into the home is fixation and fascination, not education. My sense of first person connects to my feelings at second person producing compassion (union of opposites) which integrates at third person to become understanding, not reason: which teacher has already placed at first person leaving no room for doubt (insane). Hermes (marks) Trismegistus (third person) now faces reality, not relativity, and has a vision (St Paul), of fourth person (Yahweh) called tetragrammaton (mark fourth person/john,joel, etc). That is no longer the sense of an indefinite whole, must emerge from an expanding universe, and is no longer a facsimile (reproduction). The key after Cronus is the oriental flower or secret of the golden flower. What we should see says Gerhard Dorn (The Caelum) is the caelum, a cure to what ails the soul and symbolized by doctors looking for the cure to an oriental virus called Cronus. Mankind cannot even see that prophecy, would think it absurd. I bet all this takes place in the confines of a light cone where everything is determined in the end by sense (unbiased) and physical law; causality. Teachers cannot even say the words extinction (career means bright future), incest (traumatized/toxic) or pedophile (reputations at stake must be protected). Only the effects (innocent) of extinction can acknowledge the causes because the causes (predatory) will feel shame and turn their backs towards those that reveal the causes (victims). That is why recovery will never work, a lower development cannot recover a higher development and the vast majority of this planet expose the victim and protect the pedophilia. That is why, in the end, the truth is sought by one small group, not the many (insane) whom divert from the truth to hide shame and attempt to teach that one fatal flaw to all others. Teaching cannot possibly be wrong and the search for that truth is concluded (can't possibly be corrected). To find all the causes of extinction all one has to do is compile a list of ulterior motives for teaching. The first around children would be pedophilia and the second would be no need to unearth the philosophy where it lays hidden and hermetically sealed (seals/revelations), kill the philosopher. The only way scientist could survive is to kill the level below it (teacher/professor) ... Dave, Pete, and Abby