Ascension - The Future of AI
Numorpho Cybernetic Systems (NUMO)
Building smart, connected and sustainable products and solutions for tomorrow
In a prior article we had discussed the complexity of Knowns and Unknowns with respect to the Johari window on ascertaining awareness, perception, knowledge and wisdom in terms of behaviors (action) and cognition (understanding).
We had also detailed how data and information can be effectively managed using 6 schema constructs: Write, Read, Demand, Automate, Evolve and Measure that would serve as the basis to model complexity for effective solutions in our progression to build ever more innovative products and solutions in our technological ascension as a civilization.
Here is an updated diagram that overlays the different algorithmic (coding) techniques that we have employed for this technological progression:
The arrow of complexity depicts the different modalities employed from Modeling and Simulations that employs rigid coding in terms of science and math to Quantum Computing on the other end of the spectrum that has its basis on entanglement and the measurement of one quantity that effects the other.
We posit that for true sentience, we need to move beyond the current definition of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforced Learning - to a construct that evolves both physically and mentally using current and newly defined cybernetic mechanisms as the basis. Herewith we start the definition of a new Intelligence paradigm - Existential Intelligence that will be the basis for our pivot to the fifth Industrial Revolution (Industry 5.0) and beyond. Utilizing our construct called the 5th order of Cybernetics, we intend to build products and solutions that are pragmatic, contextual and relational, reducing brittleness and imparting sentient qualities in them.
Existential Intelligence?is our unique construct for future sentient beings (natural or artificial or hybrid) that have the capability of evolving. Just as DNA enables biological forms to develop physical features (“artifacts” in IT terms), perceive, morph and learn from the environment and change (evolve), these next-generation forms will have the ability to develop or evolve unique characteristics, to have intrinsic code and the capacity to adapt. It is possible that our growing scientific understanding of epigenetic processes of adaptation and change could be eventually implemented in the functioning of Existentially Intelligent Beings (EIBs).?
The Kardashev scale, a method of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement based on the amount of energy a civilization is able to use, was proposed by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964. The scale has three designated categories:
The construct of EI will be formulated to be consistent with human progress through the Kardashev scale of sociocultural and technological evolution, from?planetary?to?stellar?and to?galactic?levels of civilization.?
Existential Intelligence proposes that the final evolution from technological adolescence will enable us to progress thru the Kardashev scale by shedding our fears and inhibitions stemming from our guarded evolution, and our fear of Gods and Superintelligence.
More information in the following whitepapers:
“These pioneering articles introduce the concept of Existential Intelligence (EI) as the next evolutionary step beyond “technological adolescence” (Carl Sagan) and current definitions of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The authors, Nitin Uchil and Shreekumar S Vinekar, MD, propose (and engage in) a resonant interplaying – “jugalbandi” – of computational sciences with mythology, philosophy, psychoanalysis and anthropology in this boldly explorative prequel. The result is a fascinating and audacious envisioning of sentient artificial intelligence evolving on Earth and into the farthest reaches of the universe.” - Michael J. Poff,?The CJC, Tampa, Florida
that detail the progression of our journey.
To achieve this goal, we will be assembling a compelling team, accepting strategic investment, building vendor and industry partnerships to create a portfolio of products and services that is not solely driven by standard measurable KPIs but also by empathy, usability, sensibility, passion and purpose. Our ambition is to leave a lasting impact on people by creating ROIs that are immeasurable yet invaluable considerations to justify our existence and progression as a company.
Founded in Chicago, IL in 2021, NUMO is a company whose vision is to utilize intelligent techniques to build smart, connected and sustainable products by pushing the edges of engineering, technology, data management, AI and cybernetics. We start our journey @mHUB in the heart of Chicago, a place that makes innovation and hard tech happen - where start-ups collaborate with experts, schools and investors to bring to focus smart engineering in the new paradigm for a forever connected world.
For more information, please contact:
NI+IN UCHIL, Founder & CEO
Numorpho Cybernetic Systems
June 25, 2021