Asbury Research's Stock & ETF Ideas
In addition to our top-down, macro analysis of the US financial landscape, we also provide subscribers with specific trading ideas in individual stocks and ETFs that include entry price, target price, stop loss level, and corresponding risk/reward parameters.
The following tables display and breaks down our 35 most recent closed out trading ideas, through 05-04-2017, along with some performance-related information.
* Average Per Trade Relative Performance vs S&P 500 is the average relative outperformance of each individual trade versus the S&P 500 during the period that the trade was in effect. Specifically, each of the 35 trades listed above outperformed the S&P 500 by an average of 2.4%.
Our model first identifies stocks and ETFs that are in the midst of a pause (indicating investor indecision) within an established price trend, then attempts to buy the resumption of that trend at a price and time when the risk/reward parameters are the most favorable.
Our methodology is designed to produce:
- a high percentage of winning trades,
- significantly larger winning trades than losing trades, and
- an initial risk of 5% or less on any individual idea, all as shown by the small black table above.
Investing in financial assets is a risky endeavor and past performance does not guarantee future results. Contact Us for further information.