Asbury Research: 8 Summer Market Calls
Almost 2 months ago, on June 9th, John Kosar was participating in his latest interview by Jim Puplava of the popular Financial Sense website.
You can listen to that interview, entitled John Kosar: Early Signs of Global Growth – Fears of Deflation Lessening, by Clicking Here.
During the interview Chief Market Strategist John Kosar made a number of forecasts which are listed below, followed by how each of them have performed as of the week of July 25th.
1: The S&P 500 (SPX) was likely to see a pullback over the next 30 days, and suggested that investors buy that pullback in anticipation of a move to new all-time highs.
SPX proceeded to decline by 123 points or 6% into the June 27th lows before rising by 183 points or 9% to this week’s new all-time highs.
2: A buying opportunity had emerged in the PHLX Semiconductor (SOX) Index.
The SOX has since risen by 68 points or 9.6% into today’s highs, in the process outperforming the S&P 500 by 7.1%.
3: A buying opportunity had emerged in Texas Instruments (TXN).
TXN has since risen by 17% into today’s highs.
4: A buying opportunity had emerged in The Dow Industrials (DJIA).
The Dow has since risen by 637 points or 4% into last week’s all-time highs.
5: A bottom was emerging in the Chinese Hang Seng (HKHS) Index.
The Hang Seng has since risen by 674 points or 3%.
6: A bottom was emerging in the Taiwan (TWII) Index.
The Taiwan Index has since risen by 371 points or 4%.
7: A buying opportunity existed in steel.
The VanEck Market Vectors Steel ETF (SLX) has since risen by 16% into today’s highs.
8: A buying opportunity existed in base metals.
The PowerShares DB Base Metals Fund (DBB) has since risen by 8% into the mid July highs.
John Kosar’s next interview with Jim Puplava and Financial Sense is scheduled for late August.
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Thanks to Jim Puplava and his staff for the invitation and another opportunity to speak to his large and loyal following of professional and individual investors.