Asbolus Holds the Key
Aureal Williams
Relying on the Physical and Metaphysical to assist with 5th Dimension Consciousness: Unconditioned Love & Intuitive Living. Currently seeking collaboration in hopes of establishing lasting professional relationships.
A Look at the Deep Space Planetary Picture Now
From the geocentric perspective, we move into the second quarter of the Luna phase on May 15 at 7:49 AM, US/EDT. This second phase represents the most productive time of the Luna month as we build toward a Full Moon on May 23, 2024, at 9:53 AM, US/EDT.
From the heliocentric perspective, the Galactic Center and the SuperGalactic Center extend the invitation to expand our capacities to higher levels. The Galactic Center is the center of our galaxy, and the SuperGalactic Center is the center of many galaxies of which we are part. The Galactic Center helps us find our center, and the SuperGalactic Center echoes the Void, the ultimate, sublime stillpoint where we can ground and come home to center. These two Galactics connect in the current sky with the Centaur, Asbolus.
While the call could not be more straightforward, it might be subtle. The vibrations of Asbolus reflect the vitality of being on the right track and trusting what we know for ourselves and about ourselves despite external resistance. This planetary blessing invites us to summon the courage to stand up for our destiny.
Varda, a sky goddess of prosperity and nurturing, is in this mix, reminding us of our birthright as a loved, loving, creative human. Neptune adds to the mix, inviting us to sort through confusion, delusion, and addictions that keep us from being fluid and moving forward. Kagara is also in this mix, shaking us up to move past ordinary consciousness.
The Galactics currently provide the possibility of raising and maintaining higher frequency vibrations. Daily self-care practices that help bring the unconscious to consciousness support us in this process. Just as we wash our bodies and brush our teeth, we must, too, wash what no longer fits energetically or vibrationally. ?
The Moon helps us find our natural flow of action and inaction, and the deep space planets raise our potential by helping to expand our consciousness.
For those who like astro details, Neptune, at 28 Pisces, squares the conjunction of Varda and the Galactic Center at 28 Sagittarius. These planets square Kagara, at 28 Virgo. Asbolus at 1 Cancer and Chaos at 2 Cancer join this square in a wide, out-of-sign conjunction. Significantly, the Supergalactic Center, at 2 Libra, squares Asbolus at 1 Cancer and Chaos at 2 Cancer. Like the SuperGalactic Center, Chaos represents infinite possibilities despite the common connotation of this word.
May these auspicious planetary vibes light and guide you in these turbulently transformative times. May you feel the loving grace of the Galactic and SuperGalactic centers as they help us live from center.