Asana consulting: get help!
Bastien Siebman
Asana est ma passion ! Nous avons aidé 600+ entreprises à l'implémenter, et des dizaines de milliers d'utilisateurs avec nos outils et réponses sur le forum.
Before I became a consultant myself, I had this pre-conceived idea that consultants were expensive, they always wore ties came on site, and were usually building PowerPoint presentations based on things they found on Google because they had no idea what they were talking about.
I can tell you that it is very often not the case, at least this is not my case. First, the price can vary. Even with just one hour of consulting, you can have a ton of questions answered for a fair price if you consider the amount of time saved. Also, I never wear a tie and I usually work from home, unless you want me to come. And finally, I think I know what I am talking about: I am the #1 contributor of the official Asana community, have helped thousands of users online and consulted with dozens of clients around the world (US, UK, Italy...) .
An Asana consulting mission can take several forms. As I said, it could be a one-hour call with screen sharing. It can also be a training for one or several members of your team. It can be what I call an audit, when the consultant would evaluate how Asana is being used, and build a recommendation to improve the overall organization. Finally, it can be a mix of all the above, stretched across several weeks.
When the Asana community grew bigger, I found it surprising that Asana would not try to create more connections amongst ourselves, between Certified Pros for example. So I decided to create a list I called "Asana Experts" that contains (as many as possible) Asana experts from all around the world. In this list, you should be able to find the expert for you, that speaks your language and works in your country (if that is important to you). Otherwise, a good old remote consultant like myself will always be ready to help!
Take care! Next week, I'll talk about content and resources about Asana!