Asana assistants
Bastien Siebman
Asana est ma passion ! Nous avons aidé 600+ entreprises à l'implémenter, et des dizaines de milliers d'utilisateurs avec nos outils et réponses sur le forum.
After reading the 4-hour workweek by Tim Ferriss, a famous book about how you can reduce your workload, I decided to give its main idea a go: hiring an assistant. I found Meagan online, she worked for me for a couple of months, directly inside my Asana. I would assign tasks to her, she would work whenever she had time, depending on her schedule, and report back inside Asana. It was amazing.
When Meagan had to step down (she found a job ), I looked for another assistant and actually found three. I started working with all of them. That's when I realized those assistants could actually work with other clients, in the same way, they are working with me. So I looked for clients and other assistants. At one point, the team was made of 12 assistants from all around the world: US, UK, Australia, Philippines, Russia, etc.
Since then, the team size has decreased, with mostly 3 assistants doing many hours for a couple of loyal clients. They delegate a lot, from social media management to copyrighting, proof-reading or transcription. For about $20/hour, you can save yourself an hour of work and focus on something you are yourself good at and/or like!
To this day, I am still using assistants myself. Hayley is doing my end-of-month accounting (and proof-reading those emails you are reading). And Tiana has been proof-reading my entire latest ebook.
You don't need to have a very clear set of tasks to begin with an assistant. Trust me: you'll quickly find more and more tasks to delegate! You'll find online a presentation of the service
Next week, I'll talk about how consulting can help your business, even with only one hour!