ASA-TRACK Power line: high railway safety
Hey! The safety of railroad use depends on many factors. Working with high voltage requires a high level of concentration from maintenance personnel every minute. However, not only the qualifications of specialists guarantee passengers comfortable conditions for traveling. High-precision automated diagnostics of railway tracks provides timely detection of possible and actual malfunctions, as well as the possibility of their prompt elimination. And all this is offered by the ASA-TRACK Power line software and hardware complex.
How it works?
The software package online analyzes several key parameters of the electrified part of the railway:
Thus, in the event of an emergency or prerequisites for breakdowns on power lines, the operator at the station or at service points can quickly determine the cause and send a repair team to the site.
Not just for safety
The economic feasibility of using this complex is an additional incentive for its implementation.
The maximum economic effect is achieved from the integrated use of video and navigation information:
And the most important thing — payback period of capital costs is 1.88 years. Economic efficiency of the investment 0,53. For the strategic infrastructure industry, this rate is minimal.
If you are interested in cooperation in the direction of ASA-TRACK Power line or would like to receive more technical information on the project, please contact us.
This concludes the series of publications on railway automation from the Automation Spirit Alliance. We hope you learned something interesting and got new food for thought.
Our team will continue to highlight the achievements of the ASA in future publications, so stay tuned. See you!