ASA-TRACK-NOT: only up-to-date information at stations

ASA-TRACK-NOT: only up-to-date information at stations

Welcome! We continue our discussion of railway automation and are pleased to announce another achievement of the Automation Spirit Alliance in this area. It is important not only for the driver or station workers to operate with up-to-date information. Each passenger wants to know exactly what time the train will arrive at the platform, how long the trip will take, and what nuances await along the way.

Альтернативный текст для этого изображения не предоставлен

The passenger information service ASA-TRACK-NOT allows you to quickly check, compose and convey to passengers all this information. ASA's proprietary software, combined with satellite technology, allows displaying on station displays and screens:

  • the actual location of the train according to GPS data;
  • marks of all participants in railway traffic on a conditional digital map;
  • information about train speed, possible delays;
  • operational schedule of train arrivals at the stations where our system is installed.

Comprehensive information solution

The ASA-TRACK-NOT complex includes various types of monitors and scoreboards. Some are designed for use in the premises of stations. They are suitable for suburban rail interchanges and do not take up much space. Others are installed in open space, for example, on platforms and aprons, on the forecourt, etc.

Альтернативный текст для этого изображения не предоставлен

Text information broadcast on such digital media is duplicated by a voice generator in both automatic and manual modes, depending on the situation. Data from satellites and other devices are sent to the server, where it is instantly processed and immediately becomes available to the station manager, dispatch service and other responsible station employees.

If you want to learn more about the technical component of the ASA-TRACK-NOT complex, its adaptability and the possibility of using it for your purposes, be sure to contact us. And of course, keep checking back for Automation Spirit Alliance updates. After all, in the following publications we will continue to reveal the topic of railway automation.



