Artificial Parallel Realities: Pre-Portal Low-Tech, High-Tech and True Portal Technologies
Keith Carlock
Invisibility Suits, Portals, Magic Ghost Number Cubes and Other Mathematical Ideas [ also, ideas towards an amended Invisible/Holographic Principle]
I pulled up a song on YouTube this morning and it made me think about revisiting the past again.
Right now, that's not possible, with the exception of recorded history either thru photographs, phonographs or higher technological media. But even worse, travel to the far future can't even be recorded, it has to be generated thru the artist's imagination; mural paintings, computer-generated imagery and simulation.
Pre-Portal Technologies
APROs ( Artificial Parallel Reality Orbs), as I refer to them, can at both far ends of the pre-portal technological spectrum from the painted and photographic to the optic and telepresent televisual.
Photographic ( or painted) APROs
An APRO on the lowest rung of the ladder that leads to a higher technological televisual embodiment is right now readily doable.
I figured out the correct geometry at the intersection of a visual reality as it would take in its high-tech form, first, before I reduced it to its low-tech form in the state of a photographic or painted/computer-generated artificial reality; a low-tech cloaked holodeck-like reality, hidden against the backdrop of the environment that it is rendered to, blending in, in at least the full 26-viewing angles of a box or cube, a maximally-filled 26 angles of view of the 6 faces, 12 edges and the 8 corners of the box.
I've already succeeded at building a scaled-down 18-viewing angle low-tech photographic display of invisibility and a holodeck. What I have yet to do, which I'm currently doing now, is to construct the full 26-viewing angle low-tech Photographic APRO. A scaled-down tabletop model, of course, at least to show the proof of concept in all three facets of a low-tech Photographic APRO: the exterior invisibility, interior holodeck background scenery and especially exciting for me to prove ( which I haven't attempted yet), the second internal holodeck property, what I call " photographic holograms".
A photographic hologram would be simple enough to create. You would take pictures of the background scenery as you would for both the outer photographic cloak and/or the interior photographic holodeck-like display of the background scenery, but for a photographic hologram, which would appear as an object that seems to float off the wall and away from the background, appearing ghostly in life-like holographic form within the holodeck chamber, all you would have to do is take the same pictures as you would before, but include the person(s) or object(s) within the round of photographs, and in a 26-viewing angle Photographic APRO holodeck, the photographic hologram would really "pop" into seemingly substantial form.
Televisual ( telepresent) APROs
Televisual APROs have a real telepresent correspondence with each other, where a Photographic APRO are only photographic depictions of a" pseudo-correspondence".
A Televisual APRO would be optical and electronic, using the same technology we use to watch TV or for a more truer one-to-one experience each other's presence online. A telepresence in its fullest form, while televisually disappearing within the background of a visual reality in real-time, with constantly updated optical-electronic information feeding the televisual telepresent correspondence.
The televisual telepresent correspondences, as far as I have mapped out for two corresponding Televisual APROs and their occupants, have an eight-fold possible relationship among themselves and and a four-fold relationship among the environments.
True Portal Technologies
I base a large part of my speculations of a real-life portal to other worlds on the full extension of Landauer's Principle beyond mere information.
In my amended version, as it pertains to the whole of a visual and tangible reality, if one is cut off, vanished completely from the visibility and tangibility of our reality, it must reappear and rematerialize somewhere else, if not in our own reality, then maybe in a whole entirely different reality.
The only problem, which I've talked about so much in my articles that I simply give the link to my first in depth article on it, is what I call The Ghost-Interfacing Paradox.
Another part of my ideas of an alternate reality portal is the current research into ER=EPR and The Holographic Principle.
Based on my own ideas of a visual reality and the work of others in real cutting edge physics, ultimately I envision a more complete Invisible/Holographic Principle.
My dad always used to tell me that you can never go back home and I always thought that that was too much of a defeated philosophy.