Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Neural Network in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

 Introduction to Neural Network in Artificial Intelligence

ANN stands for artificial neural networks. Basically, it’s a computational model. That is based on structures and functions of biological neural networks. Although, the structure of ANN affected by a flow of information. Hence, neural network changes were based on input and output.

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Basically, we can consider ANN as nonlinear statistical data. That means complex relationship defines between input and output. As a result, we found different patterns. Also, we call ANN as a neural network.

Basic Structure of ANNs

Generally, the working of a human brain by making right connections is the idea behind ANNs. That was limited to use of silicon and wires as living neurons and dendrites.

Here, neurons, part of human brain. That was composed of 86 billion nerve cells. Also, connected to other thousands of cells by Axons. Although, there are various inputs from sensory organs. That was accepted by dendrites. As a result, it creates electric impulses. That are used to travel through the neural network. Thus, to handle the different issues, neuron send a message to another neuron.

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As a result, we can say that ANNs are composed of multiple nodes. That imitate biological neurons of the human brain. Although, we connect these neurons by links. Also, they interact with each other. Although, nodes are used to take input data. Further, perform simple operations on the data. As a result, these operations are passed to other neurons. Also, output at each node is called its activation or node value.

As each link is associated with weight. Also, they are capable of learning. That takes place by altering weight values. Hence, the following illustration shows a simple ANN

Types of Artificial Neural Networks

Generally, there are two types of ANN. Such as FeedForward and Feedback.

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FeedForward ANN

In this network flow of information is unidirectional. A unit used to send information to another unit that does not receive any information. Also, no feedback loops are present in this. Although, used in recognition of a pattern. As they contain fixed inputs and outputs.

FeedBack ANN

In this particular ANN, it allows feedback loops. Also, used in content addressable memories.

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