Artificial Intelligence At Work
Overview: As defined by Wikipedia, it is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals, which involves consciousness and emotionality.
Artificial intelligence leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind.
How does AI affect the workplace?
Artificial Intelligence remarkably improves our world in many ways. However, there are some apprehensions regarding the future impact of AI on the future of the workplace.
Predictions are talking about millions of unemployed people in the coming times — primarily due to the adoption of Intelligent Automation and AI systems.
Automation can do away with Repetitive tasks; this can gradually make specific roles obsolete. For instance, supporting functions like customer care and document management focus more on technology and automation than human work. The same holds for positions and work related to the manufacturing shop floor. Intelligent and smart robots can replace humans in complex areas that are complex in nature, safety hazards or challenging to perform, or require long hours to do the same work.
AI demonstrates very effective handling, processing, and managing humongous data — those requiring number crunching in real-time.
Will AI be a threat at the workplace?
While automation and AI in the workforce may eliminate some positions, they can also create jobs and help job seekers avoid unemployment. For example, the World Economic Forum report estimated that AI would create a net total of 97 million new jobs by 2025. million new jobs by 2025.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a blessing to the present-day workforce.
AI can effectively handle low-level tasks repetitive in nature across the organization, freeing up valuable time in administration, Finance &Accounts, HR, Marketing, IT, Inventory, and manufacturing. As a result, human resources can focus on areas to feel more impactful at the organization and societal levels.
In other words, AI allows modern skilled employees to focus on the most creative aspects of their work while making their companies more efficient and productive.
Here are some examples of AI-powered software tools or bots transforming the workplace for the better.
· AI is transforming the hiring process.
· AI is eliminating repetitive administrative tasks.
· AI is transforming internal communications and support
· AI is transforming sales, marketing, and customer service
· AI is improving onboarding and training
· AI is transforming business data and analytics
· AI is transforming productivity
How will it impact people's intelligence at the workplace?
"While some will sensationalize the negative effects of AI, will also help assist in creating new jobs, boost efficiency, and allow employees to focus on the human elements of work."
Instead of promoting the obsolescence of the workforce, AI will continue to drive massive innovation that will fuel many existing industries and potentially create new growth sectors, ultimately leading to more jobs.
Essentially, automation helps free up an organization and the workforce, making them more gentle towards others and achieving organizational goals.
The final way that AI is transforming the workplace: it’s making it more human.