Artificial Intelligence vs. Emotional Intelligence
Sonja Shear
☆ Executive Leader ☆ Proven CEO, COO, MD & GM ☆ Expert in Operational Excellence, Strategic Planning & Business Turnarounds for Growth & Sustainability ☆
With the ever-evolving changes in Artificial intelligence (AI) we are seeing more and more tasks being carried out by machines. Many industries and employees are questioning their future and sustainability as machines replace man.
One thing we know a machine cannot do is express emotions. Yes, a robot can be interactive and even talk to you, answer your questions and appear to be in a conversation but words are just words if expressed without emotion.
As humans, we don't robotically express words; we feel them and in most cases understand their impact on the ones we are expressing them to.
Try telling someone they have upset you in words, without tone or emotion. Try express yourself without emotion when someone cuts you off in traffic causing you to swerve into the pavement, this is usually an impossible task. You are an emotional being and your programming links feelings, thoughts, actions and words.
Our brains automatically trigger a reaction to a stimulus based on our past experiences in a similar or same situation, and just like an automatic "bot" you have a programmed response.
The similarity between humans and AI is that just like you can change the programming and teach new responses and behaviour in AI, so too can you do this in humans. This is known as developing emotional intelligence.
If we can understand what our triggers are, we can change our response in every situation, ensuring we always get the results we want.
The process is simple; we need to understand our internal programming, take a step by step approach to changing the way we react to situations until we naturally program our brains to respond in a "new" way.
Step 1: I pause and recognise
Step 2: I understand
Step 3: I manage the impact
The emotional intelligence workshops that we present, which have been developed by Leadership dynamics? focus on enabling individuals to recognise, understand and manage the impact of emotion on behaviour, in order to engage with others effectively and achieve desired result.
You need to reprogram your reactions and develop your emotional intelligence if you want to improve your interaction with others and get better results out of every situation in your life. This applies to relationships with your peers, your family, your partner, your co-workers and your team.
Who can benefit from developing their emotional intelligence? Anyone who deals with people, is in a relationship, works with or within a team, who deals with customers, drives in the traffic, shops in retail stores, has children, has friends or who breathes.
Make the change and improve your internal technology by getting your team to complete our emotional intelligence programme, and see the future and sustainability of your business come back into focus.
Contact [email protected] or +27 83 256 0378