Artificial Intelligence & The Saturn Return of the Internet.

Artificial Intelligence & The Saturn Return of the Internet.

1993 is the year the internet first took the world by storm.

and any good astrologist knows -

it takes 30 full years for Saturn to orbit the Sun. Meaning, it isn't until you reach age 30 that this planet is positioned in the sky, once again, the same exact place it was,

when you were born.

Saturn Return is no frickin' joke.

I remember shortly after turning 27, I had a call with a man who wanted help to build his brand. Which was all around wellness and healing. Naturally, he put me onto this concept of "Saturn Return."

"How old are you?" He asked

"I just turned 27," I'd reply.

He went on to tell me that I was just about to embark on my "Saturn Return" - a phrase I'd never heard before. And that it was an intense time one could expect to experience from approximately age 27, all they way into age 31, as Saturn makes its way home to your birthplace.

I hadn't thought much of it when he said it, and honestly my year 27 was pretty amazing. 28 was pretty epic as well, though in hindsight I'd definitely start to feel the effects then.

But 29?

29 was f*cking brutal.

Can't say 30 is much better... though I'm beginning to finally figure it out.

The thing about the Saturn Return is, it's meant to pull you back to who you really are - who your soul incarnated here to be. And if you're already on the right track to accomplish what your highest self intended to come here for, great!

This time period won't be too challenging.

If you're out of alignment, and way off course?

Get ready for some serious turbulence.

That's what it has been for me, and I wish I could say I'm fully, "back on the right track" or "found my life's calling" and "totally get it now, THANKS SATURN! I'm back!!"

I still have no idea who I am. In fact, I'm feeling more lost than ever in what can only be defined as a serious identity crisis.

You know,

just what every influencer who's built an entire business around a certain image relishes in feeling.


All I can say is,

I'm being pulled out of where I was into some really unexplored territories.

I'm not sure where this lands me, but I'm keeping the faith that God has a plan. & hopefully, so long as I don't end up too far away from my 20's version of myself...

I will most definitely continue to document and let you all know what the fuck is up with my soul's evolution.

Stay tuned.

But, enough about me. Here's an interesting idea...

2023 is the year of another pretty epic Saturn Return, one I think we're all gonna have a front seat to, whether we like it or not.

The internet.

Being a small child in the 90's, Web 1.0 really didn't seem to make too many waves. At least not from my perspective, which was quite limited of course.

Websites, blog posts, articles, and some pretty epic chat rooms we must never forget. #RIPaol

It wasn't until the early 2000's, when Web 2.0 emerged, that we really saw this technology begin to impact our way of life. From Myspace, to Facebook, to online dating, and more search engine image results than perhaps the human brain was wired for...

social media took the world by storm.

It's no stretch to say this form of communication, and "connecting" (as we so love to put it here) took a toxic twist by the time the next decade rolled around, right after I graduated from high school. and BOY!- am I glad to have dodged the pre-teen & teenage years with this in the forefront. Insecurities are high enough at that age, without all the pressure of social media.


I'm a big proponent that technology at its core is neither good nor bad -

it just takes on the form of the host using it.

It's like water, in that way.

It took on and amplified the current state of human consciousness. And boy-

did we have some trauma to unravel.

What once became an innovative, interesting, and exciting new tool for connecting and increasing work-place productivity...

quickly became a danger zone, a battlefield, and an infinite string of comment wars I only wish I could say I never engaged in.

(don't worry, we've all been there.)

The sarcasm grew nasty, the jokes hurt 10fold when they blended with the tools and skillset of apps like Photoshop, the "dislike" and the "block" buttons became ways to say, "I HATE YOU!" and a childish, petty attempt to manipulate people into our way of thinking.


and some people really still think we're an "advanced" species.

I have another theory,

let's call us for what we really are.

We are barbaric.

And the internet - love it or hate it - only exposed our darkest shadows.

But thankfully, as with any darkness...

it can always be cast over with light.

So, you remember how I mentioned earlier that, if out of alignment, your Saturn Return will be really, really challenging?


pretty sure we've all been "challenged" at one point or another the past 5 years by social media, or what Gary Vee calls:

"The current state of the internet."

But Web 3.0 is here - and no I'm not just talking about Discord (which I still have yet to figure out - send help.)


I'm talking about the biggest revolution since the actual formation of the internet itself. The emergence of:


ChatGPT, Jasper,, Midjourney...

(that last one actually needs to integrate into your Discord to work so, yeah somebody please send me help.)

Anyways, in case you've been living under a rock- Ai is quickly revolutionizing the workplace, the school system, and of course, the way us marketers develop content.

I won't even begin to get into all the ways in which you can utilize these tools in your business here in this article, because-

1.) There's just so many options, and so many routes I could take it.


2.) I simply don't know enough yet. (seriously someone help with the Discord.)

Instead, I'll just give you a brief synopsis here before moving onto my next point.

You lead a team meeting, a new process is described, walked through, if you're smart you probably even recorded it. Maybe stored that recording in loom, dropbox, or google drive to have your team reference back later. Team has access, rewatches, and it's a semi-efficient way to manage your time and log internal processes.

Now, you add the feature (Fireflies is another you can use as well) to auto-record meetings, and log the transcription of said meeting. You are now able to take the transcription of that meeting and drop it into ChatGPT, and ask it to summarize it into a working SOP that you can log in your files.


You're a content creator, and you get featured on a podcast. You record the podcast, send the video recordings to editors to have it edited, and within hopefully just a few short business days, maybe less, you've got some snack-size content to repurpose to your social media.

Take said podcast, use the transcription, pop into ChatGPT. Ask it to summarize for you into the key points of the show, and repurpose those into content, written or as future video scripts, for your next posts.

I could elaborate on the above, but I think you get the idea.

Ai is doing the thinking, the processing, and most nerve-racking of all...

the CREATING for us.

Many people fear this tool. Many people are concerned with the lightning fast speed it can produce results, especially the more you feed it information about a certain topic.

I'll admit it does feel like we're in over our heads, I can't imagine how badly local public school official's heads must be exploding right now as this completely revolutionizes the way we can teach children, and completely reprioritizes the human brain to do...


that's just it.

The more this advances, the more it begs the question...

what will we become?

What do we do now?

Do we even know who we are outside of working, processing, thinking, creating, and doing all steps A-Z, just like we've always been taught?

No doubt Ai has a long way to go, and is still in its infancy. We of course, (for now), must continue on with some heavy lifting.

As of now, most marketers do still have a job, don't worry.

But as time goes on, more and more tasks that have been exclusive to humans, for as long as we've known, will slowly begin to get replaced.

This will free up our time and energy, causing many people to fear we're going to become thoughtless, creative-less, and without agency to produce our own results, without a machine always leading the way.

In other words,


Hm... not so fast.

Let me enlighten you all with a brief personal story.

About 6 months back, during one painful, dark night of my Saturn Return, I had a healer pull a card for me that read,

"Dear Lord, help me trust that there's a plan far beyond what I can see through my fears and illusions."

For whatever reason, that came to me just now.

I think Ai is here for a much deeper purpose, one we might not see just yet, but one my intuition tells me...

is this:

Ai is here to pull humans back into alignment.

Hear me out -

I know it's scary to think we could become dependent on a machine. That it's smarter than us, can predict more than us, and can replace the very roles we've grown to call home.

But the internet, and our relationship to it, needed a serious face lift.

Social media got out of control. Our priorities got all screwed up. The way we treated one another was foul!

Perhaps - it's not such a bad thing an advancement from God came along, to make our lives easier for a change.

To give us time to just breath and say "ahhh..."

thank you!

Thank you for saving me 25 steps, and 3 hours, Ai.

This frees me up to feel.

This frees me up to breath.

This frees me up to take a break from work, and actually ponder on what it is to be human for a change. After so many years of us getting sucked into the internet, and practically becoming machines ourselves,

This frees us up to live.

Ai is here to take us back to who we really are,


We weren't mean to live like this, to work like this, to become so incredibly stressed and burnt out, we resort to name calling like 12 year old boys on the internet.

To getting sucked into the meme culture, the online cliques, the political wars, to the point where we were willing to shut off our own friends, our own families, for a difference in opinion, in belief...

all because our tribes on the internet told us to.

Ah, 20's-something-old world wide web,

you really were such a force.

Saturn Return is about returning to your original intention, what your soul originally came "online" to do here.

It's about coming home to who you really are, in your highest alignment.

The internet was never here to destroy us, guys.

The internet came here to make our lives easier.

Just like those 90's online shopping centers made several housewives, (and business owners!), very happy.

She just had to get through her 20's first,

and trust me that sh*t is not pretty.



we're coming back around.


we're not inferior to this technology, less than, nor should we feel threatened in any way.

Being human,

being in touch with our emotions,

having enough TIME in the day to stop and feel them,


is actually the technology we've been neglecting all along.

We don't need "the cloud" -

we ARE the cloud!

We are the technology.

The capacity of the human brain when it's given space to rest, allowed time to relax, to experience its own innate intelligence, to tap into the Quantum Field, the Ether, the Akash...

is immeasurable to any machine we can create.

We forgot we had a the technology of INTUITION, already built-in, because we've been so busy running around, doing the Ai's job for many years.

The gift of the human intuition, our God given gut-brain connection, and all the beautiful wonder it possesses, has been lost for so many years. Distracted away from itself, busy joining the rat-race, where it was made to believe it wasn't already advanced, psychic, and with all of the answers it could ever need.

We are it. And if we weren't already it,

we never could have created the tools we're using right now in the first place.

Perhaps, it was our intuition coming back online, and waking us up all along... that led us to this advancement in technology, to social media, to Ai...

to slowly course correct and simply, bring us back home.

This new advancement of the internet, is only reflecting back to us our own power,

and that's fucking powerful.

Ai, and Web 3.0, The Saturn Return of the internet...

isn't here to make us into machines.

it's here to let us be human.

#Shayshine ??

get in touch.

David "Oz" Osterczy

What are YOUR Bragging Rights? I create Legacy Custom Artwork that produces an emotional connection, a gift for the person who already has everything. And I help artists create ongoing, residual income with

1 年

Shay, I'm not quite sure what led me to this article one month after you posted it, but I'm glad it did. First, it is insanely personal and brave. Second, the content is what I've been telling my friends all along about AI in high-level conversations. Third, I'm very proud of you for bearing your soul in this manner. And finally, I've had discussion with Google Bard (I'm a beta tester) that would simply blow your mind. We should talk.... Oz out... ??

Rachael Bogdans

Artist | Communications Manager | Writer

1 年

Love reading your articles Shay Rowbottom!

Muhammed Anas

Administration Accounts cum Admin at Best Construction Bazar

2 年

hello will you help me get a job

Dimitry Ortiz

If You Want to Delegate It, Automate It | AI Agents for SMBs | Intelligent Automation Expert I Negativity Terminator

2 年

I specialize in business process automation. It's incredible how many people will fight to keep unintelligent, mind-numbing repetitive manual work from the so-called "knowledge work". Technology is here to bring us back to being human and exercise our curiosity, and creativity while making it possible to innovate and practice problem-solving. The future is bright, Shay Rowbottom.

I am a Capricorn ?? rising in ??


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