Artificial intelligence - robots with feelings or humans with robot parts?
Sandra Kolb
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This question occupies the human race for ages. Sonny, the robot in the movie “i,Robot” does develop feelings and even a relationship with Del Spooner (Will Smith).
“Why is it when some robots when left in darkness, they will seek out the light. Why is it when robots are stored in an empty space, they will group together rather than stand alone. How do we explain this behaviour? Random segments of code, or is it something more? When does a perceptual schematic become consciousness? When does a difference engine become the search for truth? When does a personality simulation become the bitter mote of a soul?” i,Robot
Could the outcome of the movie be a real scenario, we are facing in our future? Well, there are already apps, that learn to react to your feelings based on complicated algorithms, like Grace. Why not machines, that have feelings? Let me try to define feelings.
In psychology, having feelings means to be conscious about your emotions. Neurobiologists define feelings as the result of emotions. Emotions are a biological state created by neurophysiological processes within the body. For other science branches, feelings and emotions are the same things. In any case, they are stimulated by the 5 senses triggering personal experiences or perceptions. We are not splitting words, so let’s go with the latter definition.
Already today we have robots fully equipped with sensors. My favorite example is LOVOT. Like a real pet, it can locate you in your apartment and follows you. For the full cuddle factor, it even has a human body temperature. ?? So far robots do not have a human nerve system. But is that really necessary to develop feelings?
In the area of hearing aid implants, we see amazing results. It might not restore normal hearing, but for deaf people to hear sounds is an enormous improvement in daily life. Also in the hand prosthesis area, we see the first results of linking robot parts with human nerves.
The newest research area in AI is the science of proteins. Proteins make us humans function and keep us alive. They are the very base of life. Only in December last year, a group of scientists had a major break-through and solved a 50-year-old problem through AI. According to DeepMind, this could revolutionize the predictive medical world and accelerate the test time for drugs.
Now let’s combine these areas. Imagine a human with robot parts or a robot with feelings. Her name is Grace and she is fully equipped with sensors and an AI predictive analysis brain, helping her to feel/hear/smell/taste and move better. And of course, the AI brain has cloud-based storage and an integrated power base fed by sun energy. This is it! The one thing some of us human beings wish for; Immortality.
But then, do you really want to live forever? That philosophical question is for you to answer…
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