Artificial Intelligence – Pros and Cons

Artificial Intelligence – Pros and Cons


On one hand, in recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grown from small-scale laboratory science into technological and industrial success. Basic research in AI has expanded enormously during this period. In the last fifty years, AI has demonstrated that #intelligence requires more than the #ability to #reason. It also requires a great deal of #knowledge about the world. The ultimate goal of AI is the construction of programs that solve hard #problems. Previously, most AI programs are written in #LISP, #PROLOG, or some specified AI shell but now they are being written in a wide variety of programming languages as AI has spread in the mainstream #computing world. On the other hand, by far the greatest danger of AI is that people conclude too early that they understand it. The problem seems to be unusually acute in Artificial Intelligence. The field of #AI has a reputation for making huge promises and then failing to deliver on them. Actually, AI is not hard, but for some reason, it is very easy for people to think they know far more about Artificial Intelligence than they actually do.


  • #Cognitive biases potentially affect the judgment of global risk.
  • Anthropomorphic bias can be classed as insidious: it takes place with no deliberate intent, without #conscious realization, and in the face of apparent knowledge.
  • Enormous space of possibilities that outlaws anthropomorphism as #legitimate reasoning.
  • AI will be friendly which implies an obvious path to global #catastrophe.
  • The point about underestimating the potential #impact of Artificial Intelligence is symmetrical around #potential good impacts and potential bad impacts.
  • When technology advances far enough we'll be able to build minds far surpassing human intelligence.
  • A risky intellectual endeavor to predict specifically how a benevolent AI would help #humanity.
  • A fast, nice intelligence-wielding molecular #nanotechnology is power in the order of getting rid of the disease, not getting rid of cancer.

#excerpt #artificialintelligence #prosandcons #technology #research #pythonprogramminglanguage #problemsolving


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