Artificial intelligence in Internal Comms
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?? Internal communication can be time-consuming and resource-intensive
?? AI can serve as a support in internal comms
?? AI can serve as an summary, analysis and translation tool
?? Caution is required with regard incorrect information
?? Get more information about AI in IC in our expert talk on May 10th!
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a household word since ChatGPT at the latest. AI has also entered the communications sector, although there are also some skeptics. A study by KPMG with the University of Queensland, which surveyed around 6,000 people from five countries, found that only about a quarter of respondents have confidence in AI. Another 42% of respondents accept it and 28% tolerate it. However, over 70% of respondents see opportunities for AI in the workplace.
Internal communication is extremely important to ensure that all employees are moving in the same direction and to keep a positive sentiment in the company. In a study by Jive Communications, 70% of the 2000 respondents said they would quit their jobs if powerful and fast communication were not assured. This demonstrates the importance of internal communication, even if it is time-consuming and resource-intensive. The good news is: This is exactly where artificial intelligence can help.
? What can AI help with in IC?
AI can be used as a supporting tool in internal communications. In this way, AI can be used as a creative boost and pool of ideas if one lacks ideas oneself. Furthermore, it can present and explain complex content in a simplified way. Extensive topics often require a longer explanation, but AI can quickly and easily create compact summaries that contain all important and relevant key points, thus saving the reader time.
Another function is the analysis of emotions in speech. In this case, artificial intelligence can be used to identify whether the person on the other end is annoyed, happy or angry. For this, text analysis, voice input, sensors, and computer vision are all utilized. Based on this analysis, targeted, personalized actions that are matched to the employee's mood can be carried out. Often, people from different cultures also work together and speak different native languages. AI can recognize the native language and assist with translation.
? 6 Advantages of using AI in internal comms
?? Risks of using AI in internal comms
?? A "trial and error" culture offers benefits for employees and companies simultaneously
The use of artificial intelligence will increase significantly in the years ahead. A statistic by Statista shows that the turnover with business applications in the field of artificial intelligence will increase steadily. In addition, the strongest development in terms of significance in technology is expected for artificial intelligence in the next few years.
It becomes clear that artificial intelligence offers many possibilities and potential in internal communication and can be seen as a supporting tool, but it should be treated with precaution. As long as the quality of AI is not 100% mature, it cannot be completely reliable. Moreover, empathic and human interaction won’t lose its importance in internal communication and won’t be able to completely replace people.
If you want to learn more about AI in internal comms check out our expert talk on the 10th of May. Feel free to also check out our recent LinkedIn posts and our other upcoming webinars (in German language). Our internal communication experts are also open to talk with you about internal communication or related topics.
?? Sources
Distelrath, D., & Krause, R. (2021). Studie: Bürgerinnen und Bürger haben wenig Vertrauen in künstliche Intelligenz.?KPMG.
Fasel, J. (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz in der internen Kommunikation. Flip App.?
Harbinger Consulting (n.d.). Warum kündigen Mitarbeiter? 20 aktuelle Studien & Statistiken.
Hogg, R. (2023). Aktienh?ndler sagen, dass ChatGPT ihnen veraltete Informationen liefert und sie zu viel Zeit mit der überprüfung der Fakten verschwenden. Business Insider.
Lembke, G. (2022). Künstliche Intelligenz in der Kommunikation einsetzen - MoreThanDigital.?MoreThanDigital.?
Statista Research Department (2016). Prognose zum Umsatz mit Unternehmensanwendungen im Bereich künstliche Intelligenz weltweit von 2016 bis 2025. Statista.
Tycoonstory (2022). 4 Ways AI Can Improve Internal Communications 4 Ways AI Can Improve Internal Communications.?Tycoonstory Media | Online Network for Entrepreneurs & Startups.?
Unily. (2022). How Is AI Shaping The Future Of Internal Communications??
Vo?, O. (2023). Falsche Informationen von der Künstlichen Intelligenz: L?sst sich ChatGPT beeinflussen? Tagesspiegel.
Yue, C. A., Men, L. R., & Ferguson, M. A. (2021). Examining the Effects of Internal Communication and Emotional Culture on Employees’ Organizational Identification.?International Journal of Business Communication,?58(2), 169–195.?
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Agree that technology and innovation play a crucial role in driving business success and growth. Embracing new tools and processes can lead to greater efficiency and competitiveness. #businessgrowth
Flip Expert Talk "AI in internal comms" (in German) – register for free: