Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. What about us humans ?

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. What about us humans ?



The idea of this article is not to be a history lesson in how AI came to be, but how do we humans, like we have done so many times during our short human race history; adapt.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that AI is not new at all, maybe the term is, but not its origins. There seems to be agreement that it started with John Von Neumann and Alan Turing at the beginning of 1950. For more info on this you may see History of Artificial Intelligence.

The questions that seem to rattle everyone's cages are: Will I lose my job, will I get replaced, how far should we allow AI to participate in our daily activities?

We have already seen AI been used for many things, and unfortunately not always in the most honorable way.

As we see AI be more part of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not, and I am afraid to say, unable to stop it.

So, I guess we should be starting to think where we draw the line in terms of letting AI make decisions for us.

Do we let AI decide if a person on life support be disconnected, because logically speaking, that person does not have a chance to survive, even thou we have seen countless cases of persons with a similar diagnostic come back.

How about letting someone apply for an Ivy League School. Is an AI going to decide that because of that person’s background and economic condition, IQ level, is not worth giving them a chance. How many examples do we have of people overcoming all kinds of adverse conditions and becoming great examples for humankind.

I am not saying or trying to imply AI is bad. But like many other things, is not a matter of good or bad, is how we use it. And not to be fatalist, is not starting to look good. They say bullets do not kill people; people kill people.

But I am hopeful that like in many other junctures humanity have seen itself before, we would be able to make the right decision, and have this AI thing become a success, like when we landed on the moon, and not a moment of supreme shame, like the bombing of Hiroshima.


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