Artificial Intelligence
I am thrilled to share some exciting news with all of you. I've been granted the incredible opportunity to translate a truly precious and significant book, "Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control" by Stuart J. Russell into Persian.
It's hardly surprising that renowned figures like Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman highly recommend this book, as it truly offers an incredible reading experience.
The book discusses many interesting subjects including "AI has the power to reshape the world". Furthermore, the author indicates the actions or behaviors that should be pursued and avoided. One of those things is "avoiding racial bias" (p. 251)
In my opinion, the world should be indebted to Europe because of presenting the Enlightenment. However, Europe especially the most developed part of that is always accused of racism and consequently discrimination. The Enlightenment celebrated wisdom and reason as humanity's guiding lights, marking a pinnacle of intellectual achievement. In stark contrast, racism, in all its forms, embodies enduring ignorance, prejudice, and foolishness, opposing the Enlightenment's values. The question is, how does this contradictory system work in Europe and generally in Western countries?
As a non-European who lives in Europe, I have experienced racism a lot in the street, hospital, bank, and so on even at work except for the years that I worked at Semcon (Design and Surfacing team) under the management of Stephan S?derholm and Jaguar Land Rover (Surfacing team) under the management of Peter Knibbs and Joanne Beeson which are quite appreciable. Conversely, I experienced the most irritating situation at McLaren (Design & Surfacing team) although I met a bunch of lovely guys there as well.
So again, how does this contradictory system work? As I have already explained to Prof. Russell, the formula is fairly simple: Assume that there are ten Rough-Racists (Rr1, Rr2, ..., Rr10) who harbor hatred towards Q1. Each Rough-Racist, starting with Rr1, targets Q1 with some action, and Q1 responds each time. This pattern continues until Rr10 takes its turn, and Q1 responds once again.
At the end of the day, each of these rough-racists has only committed one negative action, making them individually ignorable. However, Q1 has been on the receiving end of ten negative actions, resulting in a loss of social credit and potential exclusion from society.
This formula can also apply to polite-racist activities. Polite-racists may not engage in direct aggression but instead, pretend innocently that it's difficult to work with Q1. They behave similarly to the characters in the Pixar Short Film "For the Birds," so I'd like to refer to them as Ravens. By the end of the day, after reports from ten Ravens, Q1 stands little chance of advancing in their career.
Furthermore, this problem arises significantly because the rough-racists, and similar to them, Ravens are communicating closely with each other in interconnected social circles, while the good Western guys are behaving more independently. Therefore, if Q1 is isolated in society, there is no effect of good guys to oppose the circles of evil. Hence, both rough-racists and Ravens in Western countries get the opportunity to abuse legislation to increase their population in the higher cast of society and filter others to the class of less fortunate or keep them respected but ineffective based on their cases.
Unfortunately, this is growing day by day due to this destructive social filtering, as I explained. However, my main concern is not those rough-racists since they create a distinct identity for themselves through their activities. Therefore, they are easily identifiable, much like other forms of violence.
I believe that the main trouble comes from those sneaky polite-racists who drive things in society with the lights off.
Back to the main topic, I would say that any form of racist activity leads to tribalism, with the most extreme voices representing each tribe. This is what can fuel antagonisms by developing AI, while we need a globalized and decentralized world.
So, the question is, should AI governance prioritize the preferences of those whose main concern is where someone was born?
Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that AI governance is supported by the right people to safeguard against the tragic fate of individuals like Sophia Magdalena Scholl.