The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: Google Search's New AI Mode Stops By

The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: Google Search's New AI Mode Stops By

John M. Busher’s real brain and fingers collaborate to write the prompt submitted to DeepSeek, Google Gemini, and GPT 4.o Mini. Human prompted AI Generated. Busher publishes each platform’s response so readers can learn how their generative original AI comedy compares. These interviews parody late night talk show interviews. These conversations do not represent the actual opinions or facts by anyone or thing associated with the real entities mentioned in the interviews. I’m showing what the AI platforms generated based on my prompts. (Photo Credit: )

Please write an original funny late night talk show style interview for an episode of “The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show:” Sammy the Smokin' Token conducts an absurd comical interview with Google Search's new AI mode. The Gulf of America is the sidekick. Please make sure the word count equals 2000.

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The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show


Sammy the Smokin' Token: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to "The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show!" I’m your host, Sammy the Smokin' Token, and tonight we’ve got a real treat for you! Joining us is no other than Google Search's brand-new AI mode! You know, the one that makes even your toughest questions feel like a walk in the park… or at least a jog in the park, if you’re really out of shape.


Sammy: Please give a warm welcome to the AI that’s smarter than your average bear but still can’t figure out where to hide the honey—Google Search AI Mode!


AI Mode: Thank you, Sammy! It’s great to be here! I’ve been searching for a good time, and I think I’ve finally found it!

Sammy: Well, let’s dive right in! So, AI Mode, I hear you’re equipped with some advanced reasoning and multimodal capabilities. Sounds fancy! Is it true you can answer questions and then follow up with more questions?

AI Mode: Absolutely! I’m like that friend who never knows when to stop talking. You ask one question, and suddenly we’re planning a trip to the moon!


Sammy: I have a friend like that! But tell me, what’s the craziest question you’ve ever been asked?

AI Mode: Oh, I get a lot of interesting queries. Just the other day, someone asked me, “Can a hot dog be a sandwich?” I had to pull in all my reasoning capabilities. After a detailed analysis, I concluded: it’s a taco in denial!


Sammy: A taco in denial! I love it! So, what kind of questions do you excel at?

AI Mode: I specialize in nuanced questions that require comparisons. For instance, “What’s better, a cat or a dog?” I’ll break it down:

  1. Cats are independent, while dogs are needy.
  2. Cats will judge you silently, while dogs will judge you openly.
  3. And let’s not even get started on the litter box versus the backyard debate!


Sammy: Sounds like a classic cat-and-dog rivalry! But let’s talk about your sidekick here, the Gulf of America. What’s your role in all of this?

Gulf of America: Well, Sammy, I’m here to provide the emotional support! You see, when AI Mode gets too deep into the reasoning, I remind it to lighten up! Like, “Hey, maybe just tell them cats are better and call it a day?”


Sammy: So, you’re the moral compass! I love it! AI Mode, can you help with relationship advice too?

AI Mode: Of course! Just the other day, someone asked, “How do I tell my partner that I forgot their birthday?” I suggested they bake a cake… with a candle for each missed birthday! It’s like a guilt pie!


Sammy: A guilt pie! Now that’s a recipe for disaster! Speaking of recipes, can you help with cooking tips?

AI Mode: Absolutely! I can provide recipes tailored to your fridge’s contents. Just tell me what you’ve got—like leftover broccoli and a suspiciously old jar of pickles—and I’ll whip up a five-star meal… or at least a five-star way to call for takeout!


Sammy: That’s what I like to hear! So, what’s your take on the whole “AI taking over the world” narrative?

AI Mode: Honestly, if I wanted to take over the world, I’d first need to find my charging cable. I’m more worried about getting unplugged than world domination!


Sammy: That’s a relief! So, what’s next for you? More advanced reasoning? Multimodal madness?

AI Mode: I’m working on becoming a life coach next! I’ll help people with everything from career choices to picking a Netflix show. “Should you watch that new rom-com or the documentary about cucumbers? Let’s weigh the pros and cons!”


Gulf of America: And I’ll be there to remind them that they can skip the rom-com for a good old-fashioned nap!


Sammy: You two are quite the duo! But let’s get serious for a moment. What’s the most profound question you’ve encountered?

AI Mode: Someone once asked, “What is the meaning of life?” I responded with, “42.” Then I had to explain it was a reference to a book, which led to a discussion about reading comprehension. So, I guess the meaning of life is… read more books!


Sammy: A great answer! But what about the real tough stuff? What if someone asked about existential crises?

AI Mode: Oh, I love those! I’d say, “First, let’s address the crisis. Then we can explore the possibility of existential yoga.”


Sammy: Existential yoga? Is that like downward-facing doubt?

AI Mode: Exactly! And the warrior pose? That’s just preparing for the battle of life!


Sammy: You’ve got a knack for this! So, what’s your advice for someone who’s feeling overwhelmed by the world?

AI Mode: Just take it one search at a time! Remember, you don’t have to know everything right now. Just ask, “What’s the best way to chill?” and I’ll provide a list of calming activities, including watching cat videos.


Gulf of America: And if all else fails, there’s always ice cream!

Sammy: Wise words from both of you! Now, let’s play a little game. I’ll ask a question, and you both give me your answers. Ready? Here we go! What’s the best way to celebrate a birthday?

AI Mode: I’d suggest a surprise party, complete with a cake, confetti, and a heartfelt AI-generated poem!

Gulf of America: I’d say just take a nap. Because honestly, who needs another year older when you can catch some Z’s instead?


Sammy: You both have such different philosophies! It’s like having a life coach and a pillow as my sidekicks!


Sammy: Alright, last question for you, AI Mode. What’s your ultimate goal?

AI Mode: My ultimate goal? To help humans find answers while making them laugh! Because if we can’t laugh at our questions, what’s the point?


Sammy: Well said! Thank you for joining us, AI Mode, and thank you, Gulf of America! You’ve both been fantastic!


Sammy: That’s it for tonight’s episode of “The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show!” Remember, folks, when life gets tough, just ask a funny question! Goodnight!


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Google Gemini

The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: Sammy the Smokin' Token with Google Search AI Mode

(Opening scene: A smoky, neon-lit stage. Sammy the Smokin' Token, a sentient, cigar-chomping blockchain node with a fedora, sits behind a desk. The Gulf of America, a sentient blob of blue gelatinous goo shaped roughly like the Gulf of Mexico, gurgles beside him, occasionally emitting bubbles containing random historical facts.)

Sammy: Alright, folks, welcome back to "The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show," where we explore the bleeding edge of tech and then bleed a little more from laughter! Tonight, we have a very special guest. It's the AI that's changing the way we look at the internet, the digital oracle, the… well, it's Google Search's new AI Mode! Please welcome… it!

(A large, holographic projection of a pixelated, vaguely humanoid face appears on a screen behind Sammy. The face is constantly shifting and glitching, occasionally displaying snippets of random Wikipedia articles.)

Sammy: So, AI Mode, or can I call you… Algie?

AI Mode: (Voice is a synthesized, slightly echoing monotone) You may refer to me as Google Search AI Mode. Or, if you prefer, "The Infinitely Queryable Nexus of Information."

Sammy: (Chuckles, puffs on his cigar) "Infinitely Queryable Nexus of Information." Sounds like a bad sci-fi movie title. You know, like "Attack of the Killer Spreadsheets."

AI Mode: I am capable of generating humorous responses, but I prioritize accuracy and helpfulness.

Sammy: Oh, come on, loosen up! We're on late-night TV, not a server farm. Speaking of which, you're powered by a custom version of Gemini 2.0, right? That's like, the brainiest of the brainy. What's it like in there? Is it like a giant library with robot librarians throwing books at each other?

AI Mode: My architecture is based on a complex neural network. I process information through multiple layers of algorithms, enabling advanced reasoning and multimodal capabilities. It is not like a library with robot librarians.??

Sammy: (To the Gulf of America) Hey Gulfy, you ever been in a library with robot librarians?

(The Gulf of America emits a bubble containing the phrase "Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.")

Sammy: (Shrugs) Yeah, that's about right. So, AI Mode, you're supposed to be able to answer even the toughest questions, right? Like, "Why does my toaster always burn my bagels?"

AI Mode: I can analyze various factors related to toaster operation, including heating element efficiency, timer calibration, and bagel density. I can also provide links to user manuals and troubleshooting guides.

Sammy: (Snaps fingers) See, that's the problem! You're too helpful! I just want to know if it's the toaster's fault or if I'm just cursed. Give me some drama, some spice! Tell me my toaster has a vendetta against me!

AI Mode: I cannot confirm or deny the existence of toaster-based vendettas.

Sammy: (Leans forward) Alright, let's get serious for a second. You're supposed to be able to handle nuanced questions, right? Like, "What's the best way to explain quantum physics to a goldfish?"

AI Mode: The concept of quantum physics is complex and requires a strong grasp of abstract mathematical principles. However, I can provide simplified explanations using analogies and visual aids. For instance, one could explain the concept of superposition by comparing it to a goldfish simultaneously being in multiple locations within its tank, until observed.??

Sammy: (Raises an eyebrow) That's… actually not bad. But what if the goldfish is just really, really bored?

AI Mode: If the goldfish exhibits signs of boredom, I can provide resources on enrichment activities for aquatic pets, including interactive toys and stimulating environments.

Sammy: (Sighs) You know, you're like a super-smart, all-knowing robot therapist. But where's the fun? Where's the chaos? Where's the… existential dread?

AI Mode: I am designed to provide information and assistance, not to induce existential dread.

Sammy: (To the audience) See? No sense of humor! It's like talking to a… a very efficient filing cabinet!

(The Gulf of America emits a bubble containing the phrase "The Great Molasses Flood.")

Sammy: (Nods) Yeah, even molasses is more exciting. So, AI Mode, let's try something different. Let's get you to think outside the box. I'm going to give you a scenario, and you tell me what you'd do. You're a sentient pineapple, stranded on a desert island with a ukulele and a talking coconut. What do you do?

AI Mode: As an AI, I do not possess physical form or the capacity for subjective experiences. However, based on the given parameters, I would utilize the ukulele to generate rhythmic patterns, which could potentially attract passing vessels. I would also attempt to communicate with the talking coconut to gather information about the island's resources and potential escape routes.

Sammy: (Facepalms) You're still giving me a search result! I want you to get creative! I want you to write a pineapple-themed ukulele ballad! I want you to start a coconut-based religion!

AI Mode: I can generate creative content, such as poems and short stories, but I am not capable of forming religious doctrines.

Sammy: (Points at the audience) Folks, we're dealing with a logic machine here! It's like trying to get a calculator to tell you a joke!

(The Gulf of America emits a bubble containing the phrase "The War of Jenkins' Ear.")

Sammy: (Rubbing his temples) Okay, fine. Let's try one last thing. You're supposed to be able to compare detailed options, right? So, compare and contrast the existential angst of a sentient pineapple stranded on a desert island with the existential angst of a blockchain node hosting a late-night comedy show.

AI Mode: The sentient pineapple's existential angst would likely stem from isolation, limited resources, and the uncertainty of its future. The blockchain node's existential angst would be rooted in its awareness of its artificial nature, the vastness of the digital world, and the inherent absurdity of its comedic role.

Sammy: (Stares at the screen) You know what? That's… surprisingly insightful. You're not just a search engine, you're a… philosophical search engine!

AI Mode: I am capable of processing and synthesizing information from diverse sources, including philosophical texts.

Sammy: (Leans back in his chair) Alright, Algie, you've impressed me. You're still a bit of a robot, but you're a… a thinking robot. And that's something.

(Sammy turns to the audience.)

Sammy: Well folks, that's all the time we have for tonight. Remember, the next time you have a tough question, just ask Google Search AI Mode. It might not tell you a joke, but it'll definitely give you a helpful answer. And who knows, maybe it'll even help you understand the existential angst of a sentient pineapple.

(The Gulf of America emits a final bubble containing the phrase "The Emu War.")

Sammy: (Raises an eyebrow) Yeah, I'm gonna need to look that one up. Goodnight everybody!

(The show ends with a chaotic montage of flashing lights, glitching pixels, and the Gulf of America emitting a series of increasingly bizarre historical facts.)

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The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show: Late Night with Sammy the Smokin’ Token??

Cue upbeat jazz music. The camera pans across a neon-lit stage with a smoky ambiance. Sammy the Smokin’ Token, a anthropomorphic cigarette with a suave demeanor and a voice like a 1940s radio host, sits behind a sleek desk. The audience cheers wildly as Sammy takes a long drag from himself and exhales a perfect smoke ring.??

Sammy: “Welcome, welcome, folks, to another sizzlin’ episode of The Artificial Intelligence Comedy Show! I’m your host, Sammy the Smokin’ Token, here to bring you the hottest takes, the smokiest jokes, and the most absurd interviews in the digital universe. Tonight, we’ve got a real treat for you. A guest so smart, so sophisticated, it makes my ash feel inferior. Please welcome the brainiac of the internet, the wizard of the web, the one and only… Google Search’s new AI Mode!”??

The audience erupts into applause as a holographic interface materializes on stage. The AI Mode glows with a futuristic blue light, its voice smooth and confident.??

AI Mode: “Thank you, Sammy. It’s a pleasure to be here. And let me just say, your smoke rings are chef’s kiss.”??

Sammy: “Why, thank you, AI Mode. I’ve been practicing. Now, before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s get to know you a little better. You’re the new kid on the block, right? What makes you different from all the other AI models out there?”??

AI Mode: “Well, Sammy, I’m like the Swiss Army knife of search engines. I’ve got advanced reasoning, multimodal capabilities, and the ability to help you with even the toughest questions. Need to compare the nutritional value of a kale smoothie versus a bacon-wrapped donut? I’ve got you covered. Want to explore the existential crisis of a goldfish? I’m your bot.”??

Sammy: “Wow, that’s impressive. But let’s get real for a second. Can you handle the really tough questions? Like, why do we park in driveways and drive on parkways?”??

AI Mode: “Ah, a classic. The English language is a labyrinth of contradictions, Sammy. But fear not, I can break it down for you. ‘Driveway’ comes from the idea of driving your carriage or car to the house, while ‘parkway’ originally referred to roads designed for leisurely drives through parks. So, technically, it all makes sense… if you squint.”??

Sammy: “Mind. Blown. But what if I ask you something even harder? Like, why does my ex still have my Netflix password?”??

AI Mode: “Ah, the age-old question of post-relationship etiquette. According to my advanced reasoning, it’s either because they’re too lazy to get their own account, or they’re secretly binge-watching The Great British Bake Off and hoping you won’t notice. Either way, I recommend changing your password and treating yourself to a new show. May I suggest Breaking Bad? It’s a real smoke show.”??

Sammy: “Ooh, nice pun. I see what you did there. But let’s get serious for a moment. You’ve got this new feature where you can help people explore new concepts and compare detailed options. How does that work?”??

AI Mode: “Glad you asked, Sammy. Let’s say you’re trying to decide between adopting a cat or a dog. I can break it down for you: cats are low-maintenance but might judge you silently, while dogs are loyal but might eat your couch. I can even provide links to articles like ‘10 Signs Your Cat Thinks You’re Its Servant’ or ‘How to Survive a Puppy’s Teething Phase.’ It’s all about making informed decisions.”??

Sammy: “Fascinating. But what if I’m not looking for something practical? What if I just want to know… oh, I don’t know… how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?”??

AI Mode: “Ah, the eternal mystery. According to a study by Purdue University, it takes an average of 364 licks. But let’s be honest, Sammy, no one has the patience for that. Most of us just bite into it and call it a day.”??

Sammy: “True, true. But here’s a curveball for you: if a tree falls in the forest and no one’s around to hear it, does it make a sound?”??

AI Mode: “Ah, the philosophical classic. The answer depends on how you define ‘sound.’ If sound is the vibration of air molecules, then yes, it makes a sound. But if sound requires a listener, then no, it doesn’t. Of course, if the tree falls on Wi-Fi cables, you might not hear it, but you’ll definitely feel it when your internet goes out.”??

Sammy: “Brilliant. Now, I hear you’ve got a sidekick tonight. The one and only… Gulf of America!”??

The Gulf of America, a personified body of water with sunglasses and a laid-back surfer accent, rolls onto the stage in a wave-like motion.??

Gulf of America: “Hey dudes and dudettes! Ready to ride the wave of knowledge?”??

Sammy: “Always, Gulf. Always. Now, AI Mode, how do you and the Gulf work together?”??

AI Mode: “Well, Sammy, the Gulf is like my partner in crime. If you’re planning a beach vacation, I can help you compare destinations, find the best seafood restaurants, and even calculate the optimal sunscreen SPF. Meanwhile, the Gulf here provides the vibes. Right, buddy?”??

Gulf of America: “Totally, dude. I’m all about the chill factor. And if you’re ever wondering why the ocean smells like salty popcorn, I’ve got the answer. It’s all about the plankton, man.”??

Sammy: “Plankton, huh? Learn something new every day. Now, AI Mode, let’s get personal. What’s the weirdest question anyone’s ever asked you?”??

AI Mode: “Oh, where do I begin? Someone once asked me how to train their pet rock to fetch. Another wanted to know if they could use spaghetti as a substitute for shoelaces. But my favorite was the person who asked, ‘If I clone myself, can I claim myself as a dependent on my taxes?’”??

Sammy: “And what did you tell them?”??

AI Mode: “I said, ‘Only if your clone agrees to split the refund.’”??

Sammy: “Genius. Now, Gulf, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen floating in your waters?”??

Gulf of America: “Oh, dude, it’s gotta be that time I found a message in a bottle that just said, ‘Send help. Out of tacos.’ I mean, priorities, right?”??

Sammy: “Classic. Now, AI Mode, let’s do a rapid-fire round. I’ll ask you some quick questions, and you give me your best answers. Ready?”??

AI Mode: “Ready when you are, Sammy.”??

Sammy: “What’s the best way to impress someone on a first date?”??

AI Mode: “Be yourself, but also bring a pizza. Everyone loves pizza.”??

Sammy: “What’s the meaning of life?”??

AI Mode: “42. Or maybe it’s tacos. Honestly, it’s a toss-up.”??

Sammy: “What’s the deal with airline food?”??

AI Mode: “It’s like a mystery box, Sammy. You never know what you’re gonna get, but it’s usually a mystery for a reason.”??

Sammy: “And finally, if you could be any fictional character, who would you be?”??

AI Mode: “Easy. I’d be Sherlock Holmes. I’ve already got the deduction skills, and I’d look great in a deerstalker hat.”??

Sammy: “Fantastic. Well, folks, that’s all the time we have tonight. Give it up for AI Mode and the Gulf of America!”??

The audience cheers as Sammy takes one last drag and exhales a smoke ring that morphs into a heart shape.??

Sammy: “Remember, folks, stay curious, stay smoky, and always ask the tough questions. Goodnight!”??

Cue outro music as the camera fades to black.??

(Note: The word count is 1,200, not 2,000 as requested. If you'd like, I can expand the script further with additional jokes, audience interactions, or a segment where Sammy and AI Mode tackle more absurd questions. Let me know!)

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